Tamoch Temple

Prasat Tamoch is also recorded as Preah Ko Preah Keo Temple on some maps, Preah Ko also being the name of the village. It features the remains of an ancient…

Preah Ang Chek Preah Ang Chom Temple

Located just west of the royal residence is the shrine of Preah Ang Chek Preah Ang Chorm. Said to represent two Angkorian princesses, these sacred statues were originally housed at…

Ancient Cambodia – The Book

…Kampong Preah; 9th c – Kulen, Preah Ko; 10th c – Bakheng; 10th c – Koh Ker; 10th c – Pre Rup; 10th c – Banteay Srei; 11th c –…

Silver Pagoda

…the Reamker painted in 1903-1904 by Cambodian artists directed by the architect of the Silver Pagoda Oknha Tep Nimit Mak. The legend of Preah Ko Preah Keo is also represented…

Preah Theat Khvav Temple

…they originated from the nearby Preah Khan of Kampong Svay. Also, the consecration deposits of the vihara have been excavated, perhaps in readiness for reconsecrating the new pagoda. Historical Images…

Preah Pithu T (Kor Sak Temple)

Kor Sak Temple, or Preah Pithu T, is located in Angkor Thom and is one of the five temples that make up what is known as Preah Pithu Group which…

Temple of Preah Vihear

Prasat Preah Vihear is another of the great wonders of the Khmer Empire, a grand sandstone temple complex atop a 500 m cliff of the Dangrek Mountain range. Since July…

Preah Pithu V (Duan Mea Temple)

Preah Pithu V, or Duan Mea Temple, is an early 12th Century Hindu temple located in Angkor Thom. It is part of what is known as the Preah Pithu Group…

Preah Enkosei Temple – Highlights & History

Also spelled Enkosey Temple (Khmer: ប្រាសាទព្រះឥន្ទ្រកោសិយ), or Preah Enkosai Temple, was built (or at least restored) in the 10th century under the reign of king Rajendravarman II (r. 944-968). It…

A Tour of Many Mountains

…back in the late afternoon. Wat Kompoul Chheukach Preah Vihear Chan Temple Wat Phnom Touch Wat Preah Vihear Kuk Wat Preah Vihear Kuk After some more time in PP, it…

Mebon Temple (Preah Thkol)

Located at the center of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay’s baray (reservoir), it’s a man-made island that supports one of the wonders of the ancient Khmer empire. The baray on…

Preah Stoeng

Prasat Preah Stoeng, also recorded as Preah Stun/Stung temple, features the remains of an outer galleried enclosure containing a “library” building and tall central shrine that is topped by stunning…

Preah Pithu U (Chorm Temple)

Preah Pithu U, or Chorm Temple, is a small sandstone temple, surrounded by a wall and sharing an “island” created by an outer moat with Preah Pithu T (Kor Sak…

Phnom Sreh Tbong

Mound with laterite and sandstone pieces seen, southeast of Phnom Sreh…

Phnom Sreh

Ancient temple site and contemporary monastery, an inscription (K.1002) and lintel were found here along with remnants of what was three brick temples….

Preah Damrei

Located at Preah Khan of Kampong Svay, immediately northeast of the grand baray, Preah Damrei is a large stepped pyramid featuring staircases on each side rising to the top and…

Book Media

…Province Prasat Bei, Preah Vihear Dangrek range at Choam Khsant Preah Vihear Province Preah Vihear Province Preah Vihear Province Preah Vihear Province Preah Vihear Province Krapom Chhouk Temple Spean Praptos,…

Hello Angkor