Prasat Prohm Tis (Banteay Srei District)

Located along the road that leads to the Kulara Water plant and Wat Preah Ang Choub, Prasat Prohm Tis features a contemporary chedi with a statue of Lok Ta Dambang Dek (Khmer: លោកតាដំបងដែក). On the east side of the grounds is a contemporary Buddhist vihara, demarcated by sema. Lok Ta Dambang Dek, or “Grandfather of … Read more

Wat Stan

Wat Preah Serey Ratana (called Wat Stan)

Wat Chub Toul Peul

Wat Bali Damrey Krab, called Wat Chub Toul Peul. Our visit here was in January 2025 with the pagoda still in development.

Wat Toap Chey

Contemporary monastery that was founded in recent times. The site retains several sandstone fragments from an ancient temple. There is some folklore surrounding the site and its remnants. One night, while studying the Dhama, a monk saw a white light in front of the throne. He told the abbot, who did not believe, but for … Read more

Wat Kambao Or

Located just north of Spean Khmeng on the ancient East Road that joined Angkor to Preah Khan of Kampong Svay. Wat Kambao Or is a contemporary Buddhist pagoda featuring several ancient road markers. The ancient road markers seen here are similar to those seen near Spean Praptos on the Southeast Road and others at Wat … Read more

Wat Khnar Krao

Contemporary monastery and pagoda with a large basin on the east. Near the basin is a small neak ta shelter housing remnants of an ancient temple including sandstone plinths, pesani, and a sema stone fragment. Images: 07/2022

Wat Prei Danghaeum

Also recorded as Wat Prey Dangherm (Khmer: វត្តព្រៃដង្ហើម), it’s located some 13km west of Siem Reap city, and immediately to the southeast of the remnants of the ancient temple, Prasat Prei Danghaeum. The site retains several pieces including a sandstone pedestal and colonette fragment which are likely from the nearby temple site. Interestingly, stored by … Read more

Wat Chong Kal

Contemporary monastery and pagoda which features a basement style typical of early modern era pagoda. There is also a wood carved remnant of the prior pagoda preserved at the site.

Wat Tanes

A contemporary monastery and pagoda. Located to 650m northwest of Kouk Mon Market and 400m to the east of the large baray that belongs to Soeng Temple.

Wat Sovan Mealea Ov Lok

Contemporary monastery and pagoda housing a collection of remnants from ancient temples sites. In the surrounding area there are several recorded archaeological sites inc. Don Tea, Kok Phnov, and Ta Chin. The collection features numerous pedestals, a pediment fragment, a colonette, and several temple crowns. All by appearances dating to around the 11th century. There … Read more

Wat Prey Veng (Banteay Ampil District)

Located east of the main road that joins Kouk Mon with Prasat Ta Muen Thom, Wat Prey Veng features a fascinating collection of ancient temple relics gathered from the surrounding area. The relics are numerous, much of it likely dating to around the 11th century including a torso of a small statue, a torso of … Read more

Wat Sokunthearam Kouk Mon

A contemporary monastery and pagoda built top an ancient site, still surrounded in part by the original moat. Around the grounds, four sandstone pedestals of different configuration can be seen. A large sandstone crown ornament that once would have topped a temple tower temple. The old monks quarters, a wood slat building, and a bird … Read more

Wat Velevorn

Contemporary monastery located west of Road 68 in Chrouy Neang Nguon commune of Srei Snam district.

Wat Phnom Tralouk

Located about 7km west of Kralanh and 3km south of the NR6, atop a small mountain, sits a beautiful small pagoda. It houses a collection of ancient remnants including a statue pedestal and two linga pedestal, one including a linga. Another shelter contains a small fragment of a crudely carved seated figure. I remember reading … Read more

Wat Angkor Chey

Contemporary monastery and pagoda that retains an older wooden sala. Note the finials.

Wat Ti Baram

Also recorded as Wat Kampoul, it’s a contemporary monastery and pagoda located near the east bank of the Mekong River. It’s a little unusual. The monk seems keen on reinforcing that point of difference by constructing a monumental Buddha wrapped in a long stretching naga serpent overlooking a small basin. Cool. The large expanse of … Read more

Wat Samrith Chyaram

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located by the east bank of the Mekong River. The older of the two pagodas features a very special wood carved stencil pediment that is very rare to see in situ, behind the stencil is a special lead finish that produces the iridescent colour. Inside, beautiful murals line the central roof … Read more

Wat Thnoat Pkar Bo Prek (Srei Santhor)

Located near the east bank of the Mekong River in lower Kampong Cham Province, just northwest of Wat Svay Sach. It’s a contemporary monastery and pagoda, recently rebuilt by appearances. It uses the Phnom Penh style with added porches and lavish use of gold paint.

Wat Purthivorn (Srei Santhor)

Also recorded as Wat Ampil, it is located near the east bank of the Mekong River in lower Kampong Cham Province, just southeast of Wat Svay Sach. It is also one of the older pagodas in the area and noting the sandstone pieces gathered around the side of the pagoda, it may have a heritage … Read more

Wat Svay Romeat (Kandal)

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located along the east side of the Mekong River in Kandal. It features a lot of old-world charm, panelled wooden window shutters, wooden pillars, wireframe art, and so on that’s attributable to the 50s-70s but I do not have an exact date for this pagoda.

Wat Prek Pou (Srei Santhor)

Contemporary monastery and pagoda set on large grounds, featuring several older style chedi. Some speculate as to whether this may have been the location of an ancient capital/palace or at least a significant site in the 16th century. Some of the stupa/chedi is quite interesting, and at least one may correlate to that time, plus … Read more

Wat Trang (Kandal)

Contemporary monastery featuring two pagodas. The older of the two pagodas, perhaps it dates to around 60-80 years old at a guess and features some beautiful murals and a grand Buddha supported by Preah Neang Kong Hing as seems typical of the period. It also houses a fragment of a Buddha on Naga statue, no … Read more

Wat Botum Raingsei (Kandal)

Contemporary monastery and pagoda in Ksach Kandal that features two pagodas. The older of the two pagodas is constructed of a wood frame with stucco over brick, believed to be nearly 100 years old. It has some nice murals and loads of old-world charm. On the east side of the two pagodas is what appears … Read more

Wat Preah Prasob 

Contemporary monastery and pagoda in Ksach Kandal, located on the east bank of the Mekong River it’s actually quite unique. How old is the pagoda? We asked some locals and no one was too sure but they were helpful enough to help us search for a date albeit without any luck. Regardless, it’s a spectacular … Read more

Wat Serei Sakor 

Contemporary monastery and pagoda in Ksach Kandal. If you head along the river here you can come across some brick kilns that apparently have been operating there for as long as people can remember.

Wat Sovannavatty

Contemporary monastery and pagoda in Ksach Kandal. It is well kept monastery also featuring the remnants of older stupa.

Wat Tuol Sambo

A contemporary monastery and pagoda that was believed to be constructed upon the location of an ancient temple site. The pagoda we see today may be around 50-60 years old at a guess.

Wat Phnom Da

On the northeastern side of Phnom Da is a small contemporary pagoda and functioning monastery and the lower ancient cave. To the east is a large basin and just south is the monk’s quarters and dining hall/sermon hall. Several shale sandstone remnants of the ancient temple can be seen surrounding the pagoda and cave which … Read more