Prasat Dap (Yeang Commune, Preah Vihear)

Also recorded as Prasat Dab (at least on Google Maps) is another of Preah Vihear province’s fascinating remote sites. It wasn’t cleared (as of 04/2022) but has been previously and…

Wat Tangyu (Phnom Tbeng)

…on the eastern side of the massive Phnom Tbeng Meanchey of Preah Vihear. The site is reached via the northeast side of Phnom Tbeng where it’s signposted Taing You Community…

Supheap Cheung Temple

Located in Preah Vihear province, about 15km west of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay, Prasat Supheap Cheung, is recorded as a “Firehouse” or Dharmasala, which were features added to the…

Preah Theat Muoy

Location of an ancient site with little remaining of a brick temple…

When was Angkor Wat Built?

…Phnom Bakheng Angkor Group – Siem Reap 931 – 950 AD Koh Ker Koh Ker Group, Preah Vihear 967 AD Banteay Srei Banteay Srei, Siem Reap circa 1060 AD Baphuon…

Lolei Temple (Roluos Group)

Located east of Siem Reap, Prasat Lolei, or Loley, is a fascinating and charming 9th-century ancient brick temple group located north of Prasat Preah Ko and Prasat Bakong in what…

Wat Preah Ang Sang Tuk

Wat Preah Ang Sang Tuk is a small monastery within Angkor Thom, not far from Victory Gate, just north of Vihear Prampil Loveng. During an Angkorian era, Wat Preah Ang…

Wat Preah Put Nipean

…Angkor, page 154 , gives as if still in place on their altars. Another standing Buddha, in lacquered and gilded bronze, recently found in the Kon Pisei region, Kompon Spur…

Preah Pul

Cave temple located on Phnom Tnaot, also known as Prah Khpur and Preah Kpul. Historical Notes Prah Khpur. The cave designated by this name is located towards the middle of…

Spean Stoeng Preah Srok

An ancient laterite bridge featuring 15 arches and measures around at least 30 m x 12 m (Brugier) and is overgrown with thorny shrub. The river has been diverted around…

Preah Ang Kuhear Pagoda

Also recorded as Preah Kuk Preah Nipean, it’s a contemporary monastery with an old and new pagoda. Also featuring a rock shelter where one can see a reclining Buddha and…

West Gate of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay

The enclosure of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay (PKKS) is massive, featuring four gopura (aka gates or entrance pavilions) at each of its cardinal points. The west gate shares the…

Wat Preah Prom Rath

Wat Preah Prom Rath (Khmer: វត្ត​ព្រះព្រហ្មរតន៍) is located in the central area near to Pub Street and the Old Market. It is a functioning Buddhist monastery featuring a typical Khmer-style…

Preah Ang Dorngkeu Shrine

Preah Ang Dorngkeu Shrine is located in Phnom Penh near the Royal Palace on Sisowath Quay. Locals believe that prayer here will bring good luck. The shrine contains a 12-13th…

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