Wat Pram Bei Chhom

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located on the west bank of the Tonle Sap River near Longvek.

Wat Banteay Chas

Contemporary monastery and pagoda that features remnants of an older brick stupa of the 20th century on its eastern side. It was marked as “146” on Henri Parmentier’s map from 1935.

Wat Prang (Oudong)

Located to the northwest of Oudong Mountain and just north of Wat Veang Chas, Wat Prang features a grand stupa/chedi that dates to the era of King Ang Duong who reigned for two periods between 1848 and 1860. It was restored in 1905 by King Sisowath (reign 1904-1927) with relics also reportedly deposited at that … Read more

Wat Preah Ponlea

A contemporary monastery and pagoda located by the east bank of the Serei Sophorn River in Sisophon.

Wat Phnom Svay

A contemporary monastery and pagoda located atop the prominent hill of the same name, Phnom Svay, and looks over the entire city of Sisophon. There is a walking trail that leads from the pagoda entrance heading west and then back east across the top of the small mountain and back to the pagoda. There’s a … Read more

Wat Sopheak Mongkul

A contemporary monastery and pagoda with a large stupa shrine, both the pagoda and stupa are somewhat unique and constructed in recent decades.


A contemporary monastery and pagoda on the western side of Phnom Srok.

Wat Baup 

A contemporary monastery and pagoda on the eastern side of Phnom Srok. Nearby the chedi there is a collection of older sema stones.

Wat Snuol

A well-kept contemporary monastery and pagoda also houses a small collection of ancient temple remnants that may originate from nearby archeological sites. Remnants include two fragments of pink sandstone decorated door columns, a collection of older sema stones, and what may have been a sema pedestal.

Wat Russey Keo

Contemporary monastery and pagoda, located on the western bank of the Mekong River. Also recorded as Soporkiriram Pagoda (Khmer វត្ត​សុពណ៌គិរីរាម ជ្រោយអំពិល)

Wat Chroy Ampil

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located on the western bank of the Mekong River. Just north of this site is another Chedi (last picture below).

Wat Preah Damrei (Stoung)

Contemporary monastery and pagoda housing several ancient temple remnants and older stupa. Ancient remnants include a very decayed decorated lintel, several pedestals all of an unusual style, and other fragments. There are several older-style stupa/chedi, one with a bell-shaped top, constructed of brick is quite interesting.

Wat Hop

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located on the north side of Stoung.

Wat Ta Ong

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located by the RN6 near the Siem Reap/Kampong Thom border.

Wat Khlang Beng

A well-cared-for contemporary monastery and pagoda featuring a large stupa.

Wat Banteay Srei (Damdek)

Contemporary Monastery and pagoda located beside the ancient temple Banteay Srei (Damdek). Images: April 2022.

Wat Phum Sambok

Contemporary monastery and pagoda, featuring a stone-lined basin, pagoda, and a grand stupa. The pagoda fronts the Mekong river with great views on offer. More history to come as the stupa here is one of the “three stupa of Kracheh”, likely with heritage dating back to the 17th century. This particular stupa was mentioned by … Read more

Wat Svay Romiet

Also known as Svay Romiet Pagoda, it is located in a scenic spot by the southern edge of the West Baray.

Wat Ampil (Pouk – Siem Reap)

A contemporary monastery and pagoda housing some interesting remnants of an ancient temple. Among those remnants are the remains of one rather large sandstone pedestal, and several others nearby the monk’s residence.

Wat Lberk

Monastery and contemporary pagoda in Pouk Siem Reap featuring several grand stupa. The site also retains two sandstone pieces in a small shelter that may or may not be from an ancient temple site.

Srah Khchau Stupa

A large chedi that was constructed in 2006 that is extremely well built using a laterite base for the platform and in the body of the stupa itself. It is located en route to Wat Sothyro Ratanaream (Khmer: វត្តសុធីរោរតនារាម)

Wat Kirisophea

Located to the southeast of Phnom Chhngok in Kampot Province, Wat Kirisophea is a contemporary monastery and pagoda featuring a stupa that is centuries old. The pagoda is quite old too, surrounded by a moat and featuring ornate pediments, one of which curiously features a Yin Yang symbol in a lotus medallion.

Wat Prey Toteung

Contemporary monastery and pagoda with an old stupa, located in the eastern region of Kampong Speu.

Wat Phneat Sampily 

Located on the far western side of Phnom Penh, Wat Phneat Sampily is a contemporary monastery featuring a grand and ornate multi-spired stupa. The monastery and pagoda grounds are large and quite beautiful featuring several halls, a large basin, several monumental Buddha statues, and so on. But, perhaps the most intriguing is the curious stupa that … Read more

Wat Chumpu Voan  

A contemporary monastery and pagoda located on the western side of Phnom Penh. Along with many unique quirks in its decoration, it features several stupas that appear to be many decades old.