Tour T9: Kampong Thom-Kampong Cham-PP-Kampot-Kep

I’m way behind with tour notes and newly visited sites, so here are some quick notes on the tour from August. This tour took place from August 4–12th with my trusty colleague Chanthim on our Honda Waves, travelling what are becoming familiar roads, from Siem Reap to Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Phnom Penh and down to Kampot.

As usual, this tour was mostly unplanned with the only real goal being to check out the more pagodas along the Mekong, those in Phnom Penh, and visit the giant Buddha at Wat PuthKiri. Kampot and Kep managed to get themselves added providing an opportunity to revisit the cave temples.

There were some fantastic highlights from this trip, including Wat Kaoh Pen and its amazing murals inside the pagoda, revisiting Wat Meban, getting to see inside the ancient temple at Wat Ounalom, checking out the cool stupa at Wat Phneat Sampily, the incredible Maha Panna Vihara that’s under development and the numerous cool pagodas in Phnom Penh, the ancient temple remains and beautiful pagoda at Wat Preah Theat (PP), the monumental Buddha at Wat Puth Kiri, Wat Sorsia and Kep National Park along with revisiting a few ancient temple sites and especially the cave temples of Kampot.

Roads were no problem bar a ridiculously slippery muddy trail along the Mekong, and as usual, the bikes went well only needing one puncture repair.

It is always a wonder and joy to travel around this country, I should write more about that, but time you know.. anyways, here are some camera phone snaps from along the way, followed by a map and a list of the sites recorded.

T9 Tour Map

Sites visited

Hello Angkor