Phnom Penh <> Kampot Bus

The journey from Phnom Penh to Kampot takes around 4hrs covering some 160km.

Phnom Penh to Kampot Bus Schedule

Operator Depart from Arrive at Vehicle Depart time Arrive Time (est.) Travel Time (est.) Fare (USD)
Cambodia Post VIP Van Phnom Penh Kampot Toyota Van 7:00 11:00 4 7
Giant Ibis Phnom Penh Kampot MINI BUS 21 Seats 14:45 17:45 3 9
Capitol Tours Phnom Penh Kampot Bus 7:00 11:00 4 6
Capitol Tours Phnom Penh Kampot Bus 13:00 17:00 4 6


From Kampot to Phnom Penh

Operator Depart from Arrive at Vehicle Depart time Arrive Time (est.) Travel Time (est.) Fare (USD)
Capitol Tours Kampot Phnom Penh Bus 7:00 11:00 4 6
Capitol Tours Kampot Phnom Penh Bus 13:00 17:00 4 6


Bus Operators

Capitol Tours

Phnom Penh: St 111, Phnom Penh


Giant Ibis

Phnom Penh: Preah Moha Ksatreiyani Kossamak Ave (106), Phnom Penh


Cambodia Post VIP Van

Phnom Penh: Street 13 (corner of 102) Phnom Penh