Cheung Tien Village
Cheung Tien Temple
A contemporary monastery and pagoda that was built on the grounds of an ancient temple site. Visiting the site today, a large mound surrounded by a line of laterite, and sandstone blocks in places, marks the place of the Buddhist vihara that preceded the contemporary pagoda built to the south of the site. Working from … Read more
Ta Choi Temple
Remains of a three brick temple group
Spean Memay (Oddar Meanchey)
Laterite bridge featuring 15 arches and recorded as measuring 92 m long and 9.5 m wide. It is located less than two hundred meters south of the much larger Spean Toap and the two are connected in some way by a linear line of laterite blocks between the two bridges that are seen on the … Read more
Spean Toap (Oddar Meanchey)
Also known as Spean Tip, or Spean Top. It is the longest ancient bridge in the Khmer Empire featuring 28 arches and measures 150 m long and 14.5 m wide. It is a major feature of the north-western ancient Royal Road to Phimai that connected Angkor to the remote outpost of the Khmer Empire in … Read more