Ta Nhean Khang Kaeut Temple

Also known as Ta Nhean East, it’s a rectangular brick temple located atop the Phnom Bayang mountain range at Kirivong, Takeo. The ancient temple is met by a short walk up the mountain, passing spectacular views that are also overlooked by ancient gods old and new. It’s a quite large brick temple, opening to the … Read more

Ta Nhean Khang Lech Temple

Also recorded as Ta Nhean West. It is the partially standing remains of a brick temple located on the mountainside around 85 m to the north/northwest of Ta Nhean East.

Kampoul Ta Non Temple

Located atop the mountain, south of Ta Nhean East Temple, are the remains of a rectangular brick temple. The temple is only standing in part, rectangular, and perhaps once was similar to the temple lower down the mountain, with all the overgrowth and lack of remains it’s hard to know much else. There is a … Read more