Spean Chares

Remains of a laterite bridge with 9 arches measuring 30 meters long and 9 meters wide (source: Cisark)

Spean Trung

30 m long and 10 m wide laterite bridge with partial balustrade.

Spean Trung Temple

Ruinous small brick temple with two “libraries” and an outer wall constructed of laterite. Nearby is the bridge of the same name, Spean Trung.

Dangkao Temple

Remains of a brick temple. We went to visit the site (12/22) locals said not to bother as it was heavily shrouded in fresh thorny bamboo. Will try again mid-summer after everything dies off. Location marker aprroximated.

Ta Vong Temple

Group of three ruinous temples constructed from sandstone, laterite, brick and featuring wall, ‘library’ building, and basin in the east. At the time of visiting (late 2021) the site was heavily overgrown and for some of the description, I’ll rely on that by Boulbert & Dagens who surveyed the site in the late 60s and … Read more