Kraham Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Recently restored, Kraham Temple, or the Red Temple (due to the color of bricks used), was originally a group of three temples built in the 9th century and aligned north-south while opening to the east. Today only the southern temple remains to be seen, with the middle temple no longer seen and the northern temple … Read more

Trapeang Veng

A large mound with mass of brick debris, near Trung Khla Khmum Temple.

Trung Khla Khmum Temple

Also known as Khla Khmom Temple. Originally a group of three small brick temples with a “library” building and an outer brick wall with an entrance on the east. Remains of all the structures can still be seen but it is the central shrine that has held up the best. The central shrine features false … Read more

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