Prasat Kok Chen (Phnom Kulen)

The site is located southwest of Anlong Thom village, atop Phnom Kulen, along the trail that leads to Rong Chen Temple. Only the base of a brick temple remains to be seen. Notable for the width of its walls, the site is also flanked by a natural rock monolith.

Chrei Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Chrei (not to be confused with Chup Chrei which is further to the south) is located atop Phnom Kulen, south of Anlong Thom village, south of Prasat Neak Ta and north of Bos Neak Temple. It is part of a group of temples, Anlong Thom, Prasat Neak Ta, Bos Neak, all orientated on a … Read more

Wat Preah Kral

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located atop the southern edge of Phnom Kulen. The site features several stupas along with the natural wonder of the rocky terrain and extraordinary views over the plains below Phnom Kulen. Getting there – the site is accessed by a good road that leads south opposite Kulen Youth Camp from the … Read more


Ancient temple site where only the base deposit well remains to be seen.


Unknown. Site has recently been cleared but remains unnamed. It sits atop a large raised mound where scattered laterite, brick and sandstone rubble, and several decayed pedestals can be seen including a pedestal with an octagonal center.

Neak Ta Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Located south of Anlong Thom village atop Phnom Kulen south of Prasat Anlong Thom and north of Prasat Chrei and Bos Neak. All are along the same trail, on a north-south axis and all, unusually, open to the west. The tall square brick temple is mostly standing at least on three sides. Even in its … Read more

Rong Chen Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Rong Chen, or Rong Chen Temple, sits atop Kulen Mountain (Phnom Kulen) located around 60-70km north of Siem Reap and about 2 km southwest of the village of Anlong Thom. It is a fascinating and historically important site dating to the 9th century that is anecdotally touted as where the Khmer King Jayavarman II … Read more

O Pha-ong Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Also recorded as Aur Pha On, O Phaong, Neak Ta, and Andong Temple. Prasat O Pha-ong is a tall square brick temple on a raised brick terrace. It opens to the east and features three false floors, decreasing in size with each step up, also featuring “mini-prasats” at each corner. Rather than carved elements, it … Read more

Damrei Krap Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Also known as Damrei Krab Temple (ប្រាសាទដំរីក្រាប) and Prasat Prasat Krabei Krab (Khmer: ប្រាសាទក្របីក្រាប). A group of three brick temples, aligned on a north-south axis and opening to the east. The central tower is in good condition (restored in recent times) and the side towers only partially standing. The site is further surrounded by remnants … Read more

Anlong Thom Temple

Located atop the beautiful Kulen Mountain and is the first temple in what is a closely grouped set of sites on the eastern side of the mountain just south of the village of Anlong Thom. Interestingly, each of the sites in this grouping is open to the west. It is almost completely in ruin and … Read more

Thma Dap Temple

Also known as Thma Dab Temple, it is a single brick sanctuary. It features amazingly ornate pilasters and friezes, lintels, and false floors all carved into the brickwork. Originally the temple would have been covered in stucco, which amazingly, remnants of which can still be seen. To the east of the site, some laterite steps … Read more

Prasat Rup Arak

A ruinous but fascinating site that was once three brick temples with a library building. The temples are raised higher than normal with ascending staircases and traces of ornate carvings can be seen to indicate this would have been a very special and ornate temple site. They are all collapsed, but the base structures are … Read more

Peung Menoi

Rock shelter with carvings. Remains of laterite blocks.

Chup Chrei Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Chup Chrei is a small ruinous brick temple that, unusually, opens to the west. A section of lintel can still be seen at the site. A short way away and you will find the more impressive Thma Dap Temple.

Bos Neak Temple

Prasat Bos Neak is located atop Phnom Kulen, south of Anlong Thom village, south of Prasat Neak Ta on the trail fork that comes off the main trail heading to Damrei Krap and Srah Damrei. It is part of a group of temples, Anlong Thom, Prasat Neak Ta, Prasat Crei, all orientated on a similar … Read more

Kroes Prasat

A temple site where all we see today is a mound of bricks surrounding the deposit well with what may be the outline of a larger laterite base. A broken linga pedestal sits atop the site.

Thnal Mrech

Embankments related to the ancient hydraulic system of Phnom Kulen.

Koki Temple

Partial remains of a 9th-century brick temple. Amongst the great mass of brick rubble, a remaining part of the original structure can still be seen and a large gaping hole that would have been the central shrine and deposit well. An ancient pedestal can be seen only partly excavated along with a beautiful ornate round … Read more

Khting Slap Temple

Remains of a small brick temple that featured a “library” building and an outer enclosure wall with an entrance to the north. Historical Photos (Taken around 1936 – property of EFEO – more at Fonds Cambodge)

Kroes Prasat

Also known as Tob Temple and signposted as Rup Arak which is a name also given to the temple site further to the west on this same route. It is a single brick temple attributed to the 9th century.    

Kroes Thma Bay Kriem

An ancient temple site where all that remains are mounds of bricks, what may be the central well of the temple, and long sandstone plinths. There are two other sites just north in a very similar state.

Chop Temple

Also known as Choub Temple or Prasat Job. Located just above a river, sadly there is not much remaining to be seen apart from some part-buried blocks and bricks. Just south is a shallow but wide cave where a kind of pedestal can be seen, see images below.   ប្រាសាទជប់ – ប្រាសាទជប់កសាងអំពីឥដ្ឋប – នះមានលក្ខណៈពិសេសដោយបានកស រភេទនេះជាប្រភេទសំណង់ដ៏កម្រ ដោយ … Read more

Peung Tbal (Phnom Kulen)

Located atop Phnom Kulen and southwest of the village of Anlong Thom, it’s also recorded as Poeng Tbal. A fascinating scenic site with natural rock massifs featuring ancient carvings all sitting at the edge of a natural gulley that is believed to have been developed into a reservoir during ancient times. The groups of rock … Read more

Wat Preah Ang Choub

Located partway up the south side of Kulen Mountain, Wat Preah Ang Choub features a highly revered ancient rock carving recorded as Peung Preah Chop. It is a functioning monastery and an important one, too; every year, thousands of monks gather here, coming from Thailand and as far as China. As mentioned, the site is … Read more

Sema Peam Kre

Sema Peam Kre is a very unique site in the context of the early Angkor located atop Kulen mountain near to and believed to be contemporaneous to the Banteay (Royal Palace) of Mahendraparvata around the 8-9th century. It is a very early Buddhist site featuring upright large carved stone slabs (sema stones) arranged to demarcate … Read more