Preah Ko Temple (Svay Leu)

Located north of Kulen Mountain in the commune of Kantout, the moated 10th-century temple site features the remains of three temples, “library” building, enclosed by a laterite wall with eastern gopura. Three inscriptions were registered from the site. The site is reasonably easy to reach (12/22) with a farm trail leading off the dirt road … Read more

Ta Nup Temple

Also known as Prasat Samrong, it is recognised as being one of the many “Hospital Chapels” built during the era of King Jayavarman VII (reign 1181–1218). It’s a remote site, located on the north side of Kulen Mountain south of the village of Khna. The site features a central shrine, constructed of laterite and remarkably … Read more

Ta Toat Temple

Also known as Tatuot Temple (ប្រាសាទតាទួត), or Prasat Ta Tort (ប្រាសាទ តាទ័ត្), it’s located north of Kulen Mountain and southeast of the village of Kantout. The temple site has a general location easily recognisable by the large basin that normally sits to the eastern side of a temple while in this case, the temple is … Read more

Wat Otakok

Contemporary monastery with an older wooden vihara and new salaa buildings under construction (01/23)

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