Ta Meun Temple

Modern monastery, Wat Kriel, built near the remains of an ancient site.

Vat Prasat (Prasat Sek Ta Tuy)

Located around 8km southwest of Beng Mealea, in Siem Reap province, it is an ancient temple complex also known as Prasat Sek Ta Tuy, Prasat Trapeang Thnal, while most locals will know it as Prasat Wat Prasat albeit there is no monastery. It’s an extraordinary site, at least in my mind, exhibiting precise craftsmanship and … Read more

Spean Khmeng (Koul Thmei)

Remains of a laterite bridge located north-northeast of Koul Thmei village. It sits along an east-west axis, around 25m in length and 8-9m wide. It features remnants of its original sandstone balustrade.

Spean Khmeng

Laterite bridge (not in use). It’s located 1100m east-northeast of Wat Preah Bat Buon Than and around 150m north of the present-day road.

Russei Chhlop Temple

Remains of brick temple that likely pre-dated the 12th century at least, by noting the use of brick alone. It sits 500m north of the ancient East Road, which joined Angkor to Beng Mealea and Preah Khan of Kampong Svay, which is typically a development dated to around the 12th century in terms of its masonry … Read more

Wat Preah Bat Buon Than

Contemporary monastery housing a carved rock depicting Vishnu. Near the monastery are a collection of older sema stones and sandstone remnants. On the north side of the contemporary pagoda, there are several huts, monks’ quarters, the pagoda that preceded the one in use today, and a hall surrounded by a fence, inside this is the … Read more