Soutr Nikom District
Laterite blocks visible indication location of old bridge (Source: Cisark)
Kôk Prasat
Brick temple in ruin, the provenance of stele inscription K.872
Wat Preah Bat Buon Than
Contemporary monastery housing a carved rock depicting Vishnu. Near the monastery are a collection of older sema stones and sandstone remnants. On the north side of the contemporary pagoda, there are several huts, monks’ quarters, the pagoda that preceded the one in use today, and a hall surrounded by a fence, inside this is the … Read more
Kôk Trâpeang Khnar Temple
Scattered remnants of a group of three brick temples, wall, two ‘libraries’, large basin in the east.
Kôk Prasat Chhâk Chek
A moated site with only remnants that include lintel, colonette pieces, inscribed stele (inscribed on two sides, recorded, K # unknown), sandstone, and laterite pieces. A local described it as (remembering from childhood?) being three towers, facing east, made of brick. Cisark notes a channel crossing nearby made of sandstone plinths from the site. Gallery … Read more