Mong Temple

Scattered ruins of what was once a group of nine brick temples. Historical Notes Translated from French, Inventaire descriptif Monuments du Cambodge, E. Lajonquiere, 1901 Prasat Mong. It is located approximately 300 meters N. of Kuk Balang (nº 704), on a very elongated mound, in a N.-S direction. and surrounded by a basin-ditch. There we … Read more

Kok Balang (Srei Snam)

Located immediately east of Wat Mong, the site today display only a large mound with scant fragments. Historical Notes Translated from French, Inventaire descriptif Monuments du Cambodge, E. Lajonquiere, 1901 Kuk Balang (The Pedestal Mound). It is located approximately 100 meters to the E. of the previous one, and surrounded by a basin-ditch. We find, … Read more