Koh Ho Temple

Ruins of a brick temple with a laterite base that had an outer wall and entry pavilion. Only the temple base is standing plus one side of the door frame on which an inscription can be seen and has been recorded under K.750. It is also made of red sandstone and several red sandstone pieces … Read more

Trapeang Lpeou Temple

Also known as Kuk Trapeang Lopov (Pr.) and Neang Pow. A group of three brick temples that are partially standing and a “library” building that is no longer standing. The door frames of the south temple featured inscriptions registered under K. 690, as did the “library” building which was registered under K. 691. The site … Read more

Wat Svay Romiet

Also known as Svay Romiet Pagoda, it is located in a scenic spot by the southern edge of the West Baray.

West Baray

The West Baray (Khmer: បារាយណ៍ខាងលិច) or Baray Teuk Thla “Clear water Baray” (Khmer: បារាយណ៍ទឹកថ្លា) is a baray, or reservoir, at Angkor Archeological Park, oriented east-west and located just west of the walled city Angkor Thom. Rectangular in shape and measuring approximately 7.8 by 2.1 kilometers, the West Baray is the largest baray at Angkor and … Read more

West Mebon Temple

The West Mebon is located in the center of the West Baray, the largest reservoir of the Angkor area. While the temple’s date of construction is not known exactly, its decorative art is attributed to the Baphoun style placing it around the 11th Century and possibly during the reign of King Suryavarman I and Udayadityavarman … Read more

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