Kôk Ta Ro

A small corner of prasat wall remains standing at the site which was believed to be a group of five brick temples, surrounded by a moat that opens to the east. Some remnants such as sandstone plinths and colonette pieces can be seen.

Prapis Temple

Remains of what was believed to be an ensemble of three brick temples, with a library and basin. Remains seen today include a collection of sandstone pieces belonging to a prasat base and sandstone doorframes that lack final rendering.

Wat Krabi Riel (Prei Phdau Temple)

Located around 8km to the southwest of the Siem Reap city center, Wat Krabi Riel is a contemporary monastery and pagoda built atop an ancient temple site recorded as Prasat Prei Phdau. Believed to be the remains of a brick temple site, remnants still seen today around the pagoda include a few sandstone features such … Read more

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