Chi Kraeng District
Banteay Srei Temple (Pongro Leu)
Remains of a brick temple group
Dang Tung (of Chikreng-Siem Reap)
Remnants of an ancient temple site. Location estimated
Ta Prohm Temple (Chikreang District)
An ancient site where only a mound remains. For the famous site of the same name see, Ta Prohm (Angkor)
Ta Ream Temple
A moat surrounded mound featuring remnants of an ancient 10th century brick temple. Remnants include several colonnette fragments, pedestals, and sandstone plinths that may well have been door frames.
Prab Sae Temple
A temple site noted in old French reports
Beng Cheung Temple
Location of an ancient temple site that is reported to have once featured 5 brick temples. Inscription PIEDROIT DE PRASAT BEN NORTH (K. 167) The southern tower of the western row of Prását Běň Nord, a monument in the vicinity of Čikrèn (province of Kompon Thom) ignored by AYMONIER, bears an inscription engraved on its … Read more
Beng Tbong Temple
An ancient site, once a group of four brick temples, which was also the provenance of two inscriptions and other remnants. According to the inscription style noted by George Coedes, the site likely dated to around the 10-11th century. The lintel pictured in the historical images is a fascinating one, incorporating outward-facing Makara at either … Read more
Chikreng Khang Kaeut Temple
The original site is currently recorded as located 300m south-southeast of Wat Chikreng. While nothing remains, remnants found at Wat Chikreng may include some from this site. In some historical records, the lintel pictured above (EFEO Fonds) is noted as originating from this site, yet other records note it as coming from a site further … Read more
Chikreng Khang Lech Temple
The ancient site, speculated to be a group of three brick temples, was originally recorded as being located 800m west of Pr. Chikreng east, the most recent reports list the site as being located 2km to the northwest of Wat Chikreng. Regardless, nothing remains at the original site with remnants now stored at Wat Chikreng … Read more
Spean Praptos – Kampong Kdei Bridge
Also known as Kampong Kdei Bridge, Preah Toes Bridge, or Spean Kampong Kdei, it is a grand ancient laterite bridge measuring 86 m long and 14 m wide with 21 arches and topped by a sandstone balustrade with stunning ornamental naga. It received some restorative work in the 1920s and comprehensive restoration in the 1960s … Read more
Kampong Kdei Temple
Also recorded as Prasat Praptos, it’s the remains of a laterite temple that carries inscriptions from the 10th century. Not a lot remains of the site today bar a partially standing laterite wall, some plinths, and an inscribed sandstone doorframe. Whilst no foundation stele was discovered to record such, George Coedes noted the site as … Read more