Kdei Ta Kom Thom (Phnea Kol Temple)

Also known as Kol Temple, Prasat Kdei Ta Kom Thom is a fascinating and extremely ruinous site that from even a quick glance, one can tell that this would have been perhaps one of the most beautiful sites in Angkor, alongside the ranks of Banteay Srei albeit much smaller. It’s recorded as dating to the … Read more

Kdei Ta Kom Temple

Also known as Rong Damrei Temple and Prasat Ta Kam, it is located to the east of Prasat Kdei Ta Kom Thom (or Kol Temple). It features the partially standing remains of a laterite temple that had an annex building (library) and outer wall with a large basin in the east. It is noted that … Read more

Koh Snuol

Scant remains of an ancient temple site with an outer moat and basin in the east, located on the edge of a small river. As of 03/22, the site was heavily overgrown with only brick rubble and maybe a sandstone block or two seen through the scrub.

Spean Memay (Kol Village)

Heavily overgrown laterite bridge (06/21) reported as being 23 m long and 5 m wide. Through the shrub and trees, you can just sneak a peek of the laterite forming the ancient bridge which was a feature along the ancient Royal Road from Angkor to Phimai. There is a smaller bridge to the south, and … Read more

Spean Preah Chang-er

Spean Chang’er is an ancient laterite bridge of the 12th-13th century that is still in use by local traffic while the newer main road running parallel to its east. It features at least 12 arches and is recorded as measuring 47 meters long and 9 meters wide. It is a feature of the ancient Royal … Read more

Kôk Kôl

Mound only, with some brick rubble remnants of a moated ancient temple.

Spean Hal

A small laterite bridge that was located along the ancient Royal Road from Angkor to Phimai. It is no longer in use and is located 100 m from a modern road that runs parallel to it. at 06/21 it is covered in dense shrub making it hard to spot. Cisark notes that it measures 7 … Read more