Oknha Klaeng Meung Shrine

A sacred place for many Cambodians who will stop by here to pray and relax in the beautiful grounds which feature several shrines, sculptures, water features. Klaeng Meung is revered as a military hero who, as legend has it, sacrificed his own life to enter the afterworld and raise an army of ghosts to fight … Read more

Bakan Temple (Pursat Province)

Contemporary monastery built upon an ancient site known as Prasat Bakan where the laterite blocks form a large rectangular base atop which is a pyramidic arrangement of blocks. Who did what and when is a little hard to know. Certainly, in recent times, a prayer hall has been added atop the base and more recently, … Read more


Moat surrounded mound with remnants of a brick temple (Cisark)

Don An Temple

Located on contemporary monastery grounds are the remains of a sandstone temple that creates a real curious puzzle for its rearrangement is extensive. Entering the monastery, you will immediately see some interesting sema, pedestals lining the way, with a decorated door column, and part of the temple crown. Look to the right, a rectangular area … Read more