Prasat Dap (Yeang Commune, Preah Vihear)

Also recorded as Prasat Dab (at least on Google Maps) is another of Preah Vihear province’s fascinating remote sites. It wasn’t cleared (as of 04/2022) but has been previously and is likely to be cleared again at a guess as the Preah Vihear authorities work their way around the sites (see their Facebook page for … Read more

Bei Temple (Preah Vihear)

Located in the southeast of Choam Khsant district of Preah Vihear, Prasat Bei is the remains of a group of three ancient square sandstone temples. The three towers open to the east and rise up on a common laterite platform. The final decorative carving of the site’s features was never fully completed, although it heralds … Read more

Saen Kong Temple

Partially standing remains of three sandstone temples. Location marker approximate to general area!