Trapeang Anuon Temple

Located around 12km southeast of Choam Khsant, Prasat Trapean Anoun sits atop a broad earthen rise featuring two brick temples side by side. The north brick tower is mostly standing and deeply embedded with the root of a tree that grows from its superstructure creating a characterful scene. It features refined molding around its eaves … Read more

Prei Prasat (Romdoah Srae, Choam Khsant)

Located around 7km south of Choam Khsant village, Prei Prasat is surrounded by forest and a developing farming area. The partly standing temple (uncleared as of 02/23) features a single central shrine flanked by libraries all enclosed by a laterite wall with remnants on an entrance gopura on the east. Navigating around the trees, you … Read more