Krâlapeas Village
Chaeng Meng Temple
Located in Pring Thom Commune of Choam Khsan district, Prasat Chaeng Meng (also recorded as Prasat Chengmeng) is the remains of a partially standing small, square laterite temple. The temple featured a short hall or mandapa leading east with sandstone doorframes. Sandstone doorframes were also seen on the false doors of the other sides. Remains … Read more
Khnar Temple (Krala Peas Village)
Prasat Khnar of Choam Khsant district, Preah Vihear Province, is a large walled temple complex featuring the remains of several brick, laterite, and sandstone temples. A curious hodgepodge of structures when compared to the methodical layout of so many temple sites, thereby adding to the curiosity, along with being visually engaging for its art, and, … Read more
Kamphoeum Temple
Located just south of Krala Peas, Prasat Kamphoeum (or Prasat Kompong) is the remains of a brick temple group. Originally comprised of three brick temples, only the central temple remains standing. It is a square brick temple that opens to the east with false doors formed into the brickwork on its other sides. On the … Read more