Kratie Province
Kratie Province, or Kracheh, is located in the northeast and its capital shares the same name. Its mostly a rural province with its major attraction being dolphin watching on the Mekong River.
Attractions in Kratie include Kampi Dolphin Site, Phnom Sambok, Kampi Picnic, Vihear Sasar Mouy Rouy, Phnom Sopor Kaley, and Koh Pdao.
Wat Rokar Kandal
Located in the south of the city of Kratie, Wat Rokar (វត្តរការកណ្តាលចាស់) was built in the 18th century and, which is rare to see today, it features beautiful wooden pillars and internal frame with a tiled roof. It has been restored in recent times and functions as a local crafts center during tourist season. It’s … Read more
Wat Sasar Muoy Roy – 100 Columns Pagoda
Located in Sambor district of Kratie province, Wat Sasar Muoy Roy is also known as the “100 columns pagoda” and Wat Sambor. It is a very beautifully kept monastery featuring a grand and very beautiful pagoda. At the pagoda’s northern end sits a grand and sacred stupa. The site, and the greater area, are very … Read more