Kampong Cham Province
Map and list of major ancient sites and temples in Kampong Cham Province
Phnom Batheay
Hill with rock carvings
Wat Roka Khnuoch
Contemporary vihara built atop laterite terrace
Angkor En
Remains of a brick temple
Koh Paen Island & the Bamboo Bridge of Kampong Cham
Located on the southern side of the city of Kampong Cham, Koh Paen Island (or Koh Pen) sits in the middle of the Mekong River and was once very famous for its 1km long bamboo bridge linking the island to the mainland. The famed Bamboo Bridge of Kampong Cham is a seasonal construction, from December … Read more
Wat Moha Leap
Wat Moha Leap (វត្តមហាលាភ), or Wat Maha Leap, is a very special pagoda for being one of the last remaining traditional wooden pagodas, or at least the most well-known of those remaining. It was originally constructed in 1894 (consecrated in 1906 AD), and built atop a raised platform to protect it from floodwaters which were … Read more