Wat Svay Check
The monastery features several remnants from an ancient site including a rare round pedestal (assuming it’s ancient), two square pedestals, what may be a crown piece of the ancient temple, and a small and very decayed Buddha statue.
Banteay Meanchey Province is located in the north-west of the country bordering with Thailand. The capital city of the province is Sisophon while the most visited city in the province is Poipet due only to being the location of main land border crossing into Thailand.
Popular attractions in the province include Banteay Chhmar Temple, Ang Tropeang Thmor, Banteay Neang, Banteay Torp, Kang Va Basin, La Ang Phnom Touch, Phnom Bak, Phnom Chuncheang, Phnom Svay, and Ang Tra Peang Thmor.
The monastery features several remnants from an ancient site including a rare round pedestal (assuming it’s ancient), two square pedestals, what may be a crown piece of the ancient temple, and a small and very decayed Buddha statue.
Contemporary monastery that’s not recorded as once being an ancient temple site, although out of an array of generic sema stones surrounding the pagoda, one appears to be a little special. A small shelter on the northern side houses a piece of stone that may or may not be from an ancient site.
Located north of the town of Sisophon atop the small mountain of the same name, Prasat Phnom Korngva features an ancient temple/cave, contemporary monastery, and beautiful natural rock formations.
Phnom Preah Netr Preah Temple is located atop the small mountain of the same name in the village of the same name features the remains of an ancient temple and rock carvings along with a contemporary monastery and pagoda. The ancient temple site is located on the southern side of the contemporary pagoda where a … Read more
Located atop the small mountain, Phnom Kambor, and reached by an easy flight of stairs are the remains of Prasat Kambor. The ancient site consisted of a group of three small square brick temples. Only the northernmost tower remains partially standing with only the base of the other two structures seen through the overgrowth (at … Read more
Remains of a three brick temple group
Scant remains of a brick temple. (map location approximate)
Located inside the school grounds, Prasat Preah Srok, also noted as Yeay Chhab Temple, sits on an earthen rise and only the base of the brick temple along with a sandstone doorframe can be seen. Scattered around the site are numerous sandstone [pieces.
Scant remains of a brick temple
Location of an ancient temple, only mound with pedestal remains (report)
Mound with ancient temple remains
Remains of a brick temple with outer wal
Brick mound where sandstone fragment was found