Kok Svay Chek
A recorded mound that may have been the site where an important stele was originally located. The stele was recorded by French surveyors in the early 1930s as being found half-buried, on a low prominence, about three kilometres west of Wat Kok Khpos. Its exact original location is not completely clear. The marker for the … Read more
Wat Chas
Mound, where a representation of Harihara, was found plus other remnants including blocks of stone bearing the inscription registered under K. 416
Wat Puok
Monastery and contemporary pagoda also known as Wat Bo (Puok). The pagoda itself has some unique design quirks and is quite charasmatic. It features ornate wood-carved pediments, images of Apsara on several of its columns, interesting murals, and is demarcated by double sema. The site also features several older stupa. Around the grounds of the … Read more
Trapeang Don Meas
Located west of the Royal Palace inside Angkor Thom, Trâpeang Don Meas is a 450 m long basin in a cruciform shape. While there is not much to look at, bar a curious piece of sandstone and it being a nice natural spot, you can reach here by following a trail heading eastward off the … Read more
Angkor En
Remains of a brick temple
Kei Temple
Partially standing remains of a brick temple. Location approximate to the general area
Svay Damnak Temple (Rovieng District of Preah Vihear)
Located just west of the village of Svay Damnak Thmei in Rovieng District of Preah Vihear, Svay Damnak is the curious remains of an ancient temple site. But what type of temple? The site features a .5m tall laterite terrace around 25 m long on its east-west axis and around 18 m or a bit … Read more
Wat Phnom Yat
Located at the southern end of Pailin city, around 70 km southwest of Battambang city, Wat Phnom Yat is located atop the small mountain of the same name. It overlooks the city and plains below with a grand stupa, pagoda, hermitages, and shrines. What we see today was constructed in the mid to late 1900s … Read more
Angkor Chey Pagoda
Angkor Chey Pagoda (Khmer: វត្ត អង្គជយ័) is located in Kien Svay District of Kandal Province about 29 km from Phnom Penh.
Wat Moha Leap
Wat Moha Leap (វត្តមហាលាភ), or Wat Maha Leap, is a very special pagoda for being one of the last remaining traditional wooden pagodas, or at least the most well-known of those remaining. It was originally constructed in 1894 (consecrated in 1906 AD), and built atop a raised platform to protect it from floodwaters which were … Read more
Angkor Wat – Visiting Guide, Facts, History and More
Prasat Angkor Wat, or Angkor Wat Temple, is one of the largest religious monuments in the world, featuring a spectacular moat that encloses temple grounds with grand entrances and causeways leading to the massive multi-level, multi-towered ornate sandstone temple. It’s the main attraction of the massive Angkor Archaeological Park of Siem Reap and the nation … Read more
Wat Preah Prom Rath
Wat Preah Prom Rath (Khmer: វត្តព្រះព្រហ្មរតន៍) is located in the central area near to Pub Street and the Old Market. It is a functioning Buddhist monastery featuring a typical Khmer-style pagoda, a courtyard with statues depicting different Buddhist beliefs, and a hall surrounded by hand-painted picture walls containing a giant statue of seated Buddha and a … Read more