O’Chup Thnal Campsite (Phnom Kulen)

Located atop Phnom Kulen and a few minutes west of Anlong Thom village, O’Chup Thnal Campsite is run by the local community and the Anglong Thom CBTC. The site is located by a freshwater stream with sandy banks offering a great place to swim and relax. They have also set up some basic tables, tarpaulins, … Read more

Prasat Kok Chen (Phnom Kulen)

The site is located southwest of Anlong Thom village, atop Phnom Kulen, along the trail that leads to Rong Chen Temple. Only the base of a brick temple remains to be seen. Notable for the width of its walls, the site is also flanked by a natural rock monolith.

Chrei Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Chrei (not to be confused with Chup Chrei which is further to the south) is located atop Phnom Kulen, south of Anlong Thom village, south of Prasat Neak Ta and north of Bos Neak Temple. It is part of a group of temples, Anlong Thom, Prasat Neak Ta, Bos Neak, all orientated on a … Read more

Phnom Kulen Makara

Located around 2km northwest of Beng Mealea Temple on the foothills of Phnom Kulen, is a very unique piece of ancient infrastructure. Around 2020, a local discovered a large sandstone head of a Makara (part lion/part sea creature from Hindu mythology). Recently the site has been excavated and restored revealing it was actually part of … Read more

Kansaeng Temple

Prasat Kansaeng, or Kuk Top Thom, is located inside the moat and in the southwest quadrant of Beng Mealea Temple’s large grounds. It is what’s known as a “firehouse” or “Vahnigriha” that was a feature along the East Road. Outside of those in Angkor, it is the first standing firehouse as we head east out … Read more

Neak Ta Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Located south of Anlong Thom village atop Phnom Kulen south of Prasat Anlong Thom and north of Prasat Chrei and Bos Neak. All are along the same trail, on a north-south axis and all, unusually, open to the west. The tall square brick temple is mostly standing at least on three sides. Even in its … Read more

Damrei Krap Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Also known as Damrei Krab Temple (ប្រាសាទដំរីក្រាប) and Prasat Prasat Krabei Krab (Khmer: ប្រាសាទក្របីក្រាប). A group of three brick temples, aligned on a north-south axis and opening to the east. The central tower is in good condition (restored in recent times) and the side towers only partially standing. The site is further surrounded by remnants … Read more

Rong Chen Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Rong Chen, or Rong Chen Temple, sits atop Kulen Mountain (Phnom Kulen) located around 60-70km north of Siem Reap and about 2 km southwest of the village of Anlong Thom. It is a fascinating and historically important site dating to the 9th century that is anecdotally touted as where the Khmer King Jayavarman II … Read more

Anlong Thom Temple

Located atop the beautiful Kulen Mountain and is the first temple in what is a closely grouped set of sites on the eastern side of the mountain just south of the village of Anlong Thom. Interestingly, each of the sites in this grouping is open to the west. It is almost completely in ruin and … Read more

Peung Moha Eisei Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Located atop Phnom Kulen, it’s also known as Poeng Maha Eisei, or Pueng Aysey/Ey Sey along with other variants. Naming aside, it’s a small but incredibly scenic and atmospheric spot featuring rock carvings, ponds, and a small cell carved into a large rock with an opening that is framed and flanked by two deity carvings. … Read more

Bos Neak Temple

Prasat Bos Neak is located atop Phnom Kulen, south of Anlong Thom village, south of Prasat Neak Ta on the trail fork that comes off the main trail heading to Damrei Krap and Srah Damrei. It is part of a group of temples, Anlong Thom, Prasat Neak Ta, Prasat Crei, all orientated on a similar … Read more

O Thma Dap (Beng Mealea)

There is a sandstone quarry just north of Prasat Beng Mealea that forms part of a river bed. It is quite fascinating to see where the temple originated and the clear lines of where large blocks of sandstone would have been chiselled. It’s also a nice spot to relax, as many do. This creek continues … Read more

Peam Kre Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Located west of Anlong Thom village and north of the main road, Peam Kre features two partially standing brick temples. They are aligned on a north-south axis and open to the east. One of the shrines rose up on a seemingly pyramidal base of decent proportions while the other sat a little lower making for … Read more

Peung Tbal (Phnom Kulen)

Located atop Phnom Kulen and southwest of the village of Anlong Thom, it’s also recorded as Poeng Tbal. A fascinating scenic site with natural rock massifs featuring ancient carvings all sitting at the edge of a natural gulley that is believed to have been developed into a reservoir during ancient times. The groups of rock … Read more

Srah Damrei (Elephant Pond) of Phnom Kulen

Located atop Phnom Kulen, about 5.5 km southwest of the village of Anlong Thom, Srah Damrei is a group of large animal monoliths carved from the naturally formed sandstone. They include an elephant, two lions, and an unknown figure (some call it a frog), which are all fronted by a bull (Nandin) carved in the … Read more

Peung Preah Thvear (Phnom Kulen)

Also recorded as Poeng Ta Roet, it’s a long alcove in the mountainside below Wat Chas featuring an inscription and carvings dating to the 10th/11th century. The figures include a group of figures commonly known as the Nine Deities seated atop their mounts (Vahana) beside which are two standing deities. One of the standing deities … Read more