Bei Temple (Preah Vihear)

Located in the southeast of Choam Khsant district of Preah Vihear, Prasat Bei is the remains of a group of three ancient square sandstone temples. The three towers open to the east and rise up on a common laterite platform. The final decorative carving of the site’s features was never fully completed, although it heralds … Read more

Chheu Teal Phliet Temple

Located on the eastern side of Preah Vihear province, around 20km west of the Laos border and 11km northwest of the village of Robonh, Prasat Chheu Teal Phliet is the ruins of a sandstone temple. It is a sing shrine, with a sandstone body that featured a brick superstructure, none of which is in situ … Read more

Chhouk Temple

Also a contemporary monastery with a new pagoda under construction, Prasat Chhouk of Chhuk village is an ancient temple site where today, you can still see the large mound from which the temple arose with some of the original sandstone blocks of the temple rearranged to form a vihara supporting a Buddha. Images of the … Read more

Chroy Ampil Stele (Phnom Sopoar Kalei)

Shelters from where a 7th-century inscription was recorded and registered under K. 116. The stele/plinths have since been moved to a museum (I believe). K. 116 was recorded by Georges Coedes in IC II, p. 134 ČRÛOY AMPİL STELE (K. 116 Corpus, LXII) The sandstone stele fragment (o, 35 x 0, 43 x c, 15) … Read more

Don Chroam Temple

Also recorded as Prasat Daun Cheam, it is located in the forest/farmlands of Preah Vihear some 17km southeast of Choam Khsant. Excluding Prasat Neak Buos, it’s a large and elaborate site compared to the other brick temples of the general area. The site features an outer wall constructed of laterite with peak capping that encloses … Read more

Kang Het Temple

Located around 9km south of Choam Khsant in Preah Vihear province, the ancient ruins of Prasat Kang Het feature a grand sandstone tower with an outer laterite enclosure wall. The single central tower, built entirely of sandstone, is standing albeit with a precarious lean to it and whilst tree roots likely sparked that demise, in … Read more

Kdak Temple

Also recorded as Po Damnak Temple. It is a group of three sandstone temples built upon a common platform. They are incomplete, receiving only part of their final decoration. The three towers open to the east and the central tower has a mandapa or hall with side windows. The central tower had received some of … Read more

Kon Ko Temple (Kulean, Preah Vihear)

Prasat Kon Ko, also recorded as Khna Makhop which is a name also given to the temple located 1km away to the northeast. Prasat Kon Ko is built atop a natural sandstone platform which also seemingly supplied sandstone to build the site. The site features a single shrine, cruciform in shape and opening to the … Read more

Kroch Temple

Also recorded as Aur Krauch Temple, and located around 5km southeast of Sra’aem, it’s the remains of three sandstone temples built upon a common terrace. The three towers open to the east with only the southern tower still standing. The central tower of the three has mostly collapsed barring part of its north wall and … Read more

Kuk Temple (Tuek Kraham, Choam Khsant)

Located on the eastern side of Preah Vihear province, around 11km west of the Laos border and 3km northwest of the village of Robonh, Prasat Kuk is the partially standing remains of a laterite temple. It is an elongated structure, around 8m long and 4m wide by eye, open to the east. It has a … Read more

North Gate of PKKS

The north gate or north gopura of the third enclosure of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay is smaller than the grand east entrance and similar to that of the west and south. It features three towers offering a large central entrance flanked by a lesser entrance on either side. To its north, a grand causeway … Read more

Phnom Soporkaley

Rising above the plains and looking along the Mekong River at the village of Chroy Ampil, Phnom Sopoar Kali is small mountain wrapped in local legend. There appear to be differing versions of the tale but it centres on a crocodile and a princess, also noting the shape of the mountain which, in the eyes … Read more

Phnom Theat Temple

Located atop a large rise in central Krong Stung Treng, Phnom Theat Temple features the remnants of a 7th-century temple. According to historical notes, the site was a small brick temple enclosed by double outer walls featuring monumental gopura (gates). At the site today are several fascinating remnants including a mostly intact sandstone drain with … Read more

Preah Ang Kuhear Pagoda

Also recorded as Preah Kuk Preah Nipean, it’s a contemporary monastery with an old and new pagoda. Also featuring a rock shelter where one can see a reclining Buddha and small shrines. The site is located on a rise of the west bank and overlooks the Mekong river offering beautiful views. The older pagoda is … Read more

Preah Chhor (Rovieng District of Preah Vihear)

Remains of an ancient laterite terrace, with one tier, square in shape and about 5m per side. Near the site, there appears a sandstone pedestal albeit seemingly crudely finished or perhaps very decayed. Today, the site is located inside the grounds of the primary school nearby the road that eventually leads to Ta Seng village. … Read more

Preah Ko Temple of Thala Borivat

Located in the Thala Borivat district of Stung Treng Province, Prasat Preah Ko (a name also shared by other sites) is the remains of a partially standing brick temple that once featured an outer enclosure wall and terrace. Fronting the temple today is a large sculpture of Nandin (Preah Ko) from which the temple draws … Read more

Prei Prasat (Romdoah Srae, Choam Khsant)

Located around 7km south of Choam Khsant village, Prei Prasat is surrounded by forest and a developing farming area. The partly standing temple (uncleared as of 02/23) features a single central shrine flanked by libraries all enclosed by a laterite wall with remnants on an entrance gopura on the east. Navigating around the trees, you … Read more

Pros Temple

Located right on the bank of the confluence of the Mekong and Sekong rivers, Prasat Pros, also known as Theat Ba Chong, is mostly lost to time although remnants of its construction can still be seen from the top of the river bank and from below at a low tide. The site is also the … Read more

Sema Temple

Located southwest of Choam Khsant nearby a large and scenic water reservoir, Prasat Sema is the remains of a brick temple. What remains at the site today is a doorframe flanked by two ornately decorated door columns topped by an equally ornate lintel. The left doorframe carries an inscription in Khmer text. Around the site … Read more

Sesan Resort

Located at the junction of the Tong and Srepok rivers in Krong Stung Treng, it’s a relaxation area with a bamboo pier stretching out into the peaceful waters of the Tonle Srepok river offering bamboo huts with hammocks and a restaurant ready to serve up delicious foods.

Sopheakmit/Preah Nimith Waterfall

Located on the Cambodia-Laos border, in Preah Vihear province, is a spectacular feature of the majestic Mekong River known as Preah Nimith or Sopheakmit waterfall, and also known by some locals as Lbak Khoun. It is quite a sight, where the power and sheer volume of the Mekong river meet a grand limestone plateau and … Read more

South Gate of PKKS

The south gate (gopura) of the third enclosure of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay is similar to that of the north, east and west, featuring three towers offering a large central entrance flanked by lesser entries on either side. To its south, a grand causeway that’s lined with sandstone and carved with reliefs of Hamsa … Read more

Speu Temple

Recorded today as Wat Speu. It was once an ancient brick temple site, today housing a contemporary monastery and pagoda. Historical Notes The modern pagoda of Spu rises, painted with brilliant colors, in the middle of a picturesque site. The rectangular mound on which it is built is formed of two stories of terraces and … Read more

Stung Treng O’Roesey Kandal Community-Based Eco-Tourism Resort

Located near the Kratie/Stung Treng border, this small community resort offers a great place to relax, cool off in the pristine waters of the natural stream and get something to eat. It’s all fairly simple with wooden huts located along the stream and a cluster of stalls to one side where you can grab some … Read more

Svay Damnak Temple (Rovieng District of Preah Vihear)

Located just west of the village of Svay Damnak Thmei in Rovieng District of Preah Vihear, Svay Damnak is the curious remains of an ancient temple site. But what type of temple? The site features a .5m tall laterite terrace around 25 m long on its east-west axis and around 18 m or a bit … Read more

Svay Thom Temple (Preah Vihear)

Also recorded as Prasat Thnal Svay (of which there are many sharing the same or very similar name). It is a remote site located in the forest/farmlands of Preah Vihear about 8km south of Choam Khsant. The ancient site featured three shrines flanked by a library which was surrounded by an outer enclosure and looking … Read more

Ta Bos Temple

Located northeast of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay and southwest of Tabos village in Preah Vihear, Prasat Ta Bos (or Tabas Temple) is an interesting site located atop a large natural rise and positioned beside a rock monolith that dominates that rise. It’s a square laterite temple that features a tall, tiered three-level base with … Read more

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