RN6 & Royal Road Angkor-Prasat Andet
A list and map of ancient sites along National Road 6 (NR6, also called RN6 or Highway 6) that was constructed partly following an ancient Royal Road from Angkor leading to Prasat Andet, which was mirrored in part by a road that led to Sambor Prei Kuk.
Prei Prasat (Kok Chan Village)
Once a group of three temples aligned north-south and open to the east with moat according to reports, its hard to tell today. What remains is the laterite base structure that is still topped with some of the bricks that would have formed one of the small square brick towers. Sandstone blocks can be seen … Read more
Wat Prasat
Located on the site of Reangsei Pagoda, a ruinous east-facing small brick temple with inscribed sandstone doorframes (K # unknown). Several remnants are seen around the doorway including colonette and other carved pieces. There is a contemporary pagoda immediately east and a large basin. Gallery
Wat Kakoh (Santuk)
Buddhist monastery housing ancient remains including inscribed stele (registered under K. 146), sema stone, lintels, and pedestals. The pagoda is quite unusual formed in a cross rising up on a double-tiered platform with its doors boarded shut, hopefully in lieu of restoration works. On the east side of the pagoda are two shelters containing relics … Read more
Spean Svay
Laterite bridge consists of 4 arches visible but that was to include 7. It measures 22.5 m long, 7.8 m wide and 3.45 m high (source: Cisark).
Spean Thnâl Dach
Laterite bridge consists of 4 arches visible but that was to include 7. It measures nearly 27 meters long, 7.5 to 8 m wide and 3 m high (Source: Cisark).
Laterite blocks indicating the presence of an ancient bridge (source: Cisark)
Wat Baray
Monastery built on the site of an ancient temple. Several remnants are collected on the western side of the pagoda including an ornate pediment fragment, chaitya/bollard, a very decayed lintel and other pieces. The pediment fragment is the most artistically intersting, featuring a depiction of Brahma (sadly beheaded) flanked by two “angels”. The contemporary pagoda … Read more
Phum Prasat Temple (Kampong Thom)
Also recorded as Prasat Phoum and Prasat Pagoda (on Google Maps), it is a tall rectangular brick temple of the 8th century located on the grounds of a contemporary monastery. The ancient temple was restored in 2007 and still preserves much of the beautiful artwork of that time which is attributed to “Kampong Preah style” … Read more
Kuk Trapeang Kuk (Wat Trapeang Kong)
A contemporary monastery built on an ancient site. Only remnants of the ancient site were ever recorded, some of which can still be seen at the site including door steps (or moonstones) of the ancient temple. As of June 2022, a new pagoda is under construction with a lot of the sculptures being carved from … Read more
Laterite blocks visible indication location of old bridge (Source: Cisark)
Concrete bridge that possible replaced a small ancient bridge (source: Cisark)
Wat Chakto Lok
Also recorded as Chaktoluk Pagoda. It’s recorded as housing an ancient pedestal and bollard which I did not notice on the last visit nor was the pagoda open at the time.