Bat Chum Temple

Prasat Bat Chum (Khmer: ប្រាសាទបាទជុំ) is a small temple located to the northeast of Angkor Wat and south of Srah Srang. It features three brick shrines aligned on a north-south axis and open to the east. According to its inscription, it was conceived by Kavindrarimathana, a Buddhist minister of Khmer king Rajendravarman, at the middle … Read more

Pre Rup Temple – History & Highlights

Pre Rup (Khmer: ប្រាសាទប្រែរូប) is a grand brick temple with a quincunx of towers rising from a pyramid base to form the “temple mountain”, an architectural concept of the ancient Khmer to represent the sacred Mount Meru in Hindu beliefs. Located around 5km to the northeast of Angkor Wat, which it predates, it was built … Read more

East Mebon Temple

The East Mebon (Khmer: ប្រាសាទមេបុណ្យខាងកើត) is a 10th Century temple built during the reign of King Rajendravarman (reign 944 to 968 AD) at the center of the massive reservoir, Yasodharatataka Baray. Known as the East Baray today, it has been dry for many centuries, but in its day, this temple would have been an island … Read more

Banteay Srei Temple – History & Highlights

Banteay Srei Temple (or Prasat Banteay Srey) is one of the most beautiful ancient temples to be found in Asia, set amongst the charming village and farmlands just below the Kulen Mountain range, it features stunning and well-preserved narrated bas-reliefs plus ornate decoration from when craftmanship in the ancient empire was reaching its zenith. The … Read more