Andet Temple (Kampong Thom)

Prasat Andet, also recorded as Prasat Andaet, is an ancient 7th-century brick temple located on the grounds of a contemporary monastery and pagoda atop a large and high mound which is then surrounded by a moat. Several statues from here including a Harihara statue can be found at the Phnom Penh National Museum. This uniquely … Read more

Ashram Maha Russey Temple (Sambor Prei Kuk N17)

Also known as Prasat Asram Moha Russei and Tower N17 of the Sambor Prei Kuk group, it is one of the first sights for visitors as they enter the area. It is a small “cell” shrine, open to the east, around 3 m in height and width. It’s made of sandstone featuring ornate pilasters/pillars also … Read more

Asram Moha Russei Temple of Angkor Borei District

Located on the slopes of Phnom Da the sanctuary is built on a narrow rock platform with its rear facade almost against the hill. Asram Maha Rosei is made up of a central cella, 2 meters per side, surrounded on all four sides by a corridor 70 cm wide on average, which is lit by … Read more

Bangkuoy Khang Lech Temple

Located to the northeast of Svay Leu district, Siem Reap, also recorded as Prasat Bangkouy West, it’s a standing sandstone temple with a “library”, and an outer wall with gopura on the east and west sides. It is a fascinating site, only partly cleared (01/23) that features some unique art features as well as sitting … Read more

Banteay Chhmar Temple

Prasat Banteay Chhmar is one of Cambodia’s major ancient temple complexes featuring a massive temple complex covering almost 1sq km enclosed by an outer moat and further surrounded by eight satellite temples along with a grand baray (1700 m x 700 m) on its eastern side. For the satellite temples see Pr. Ta Im, Pr. … Read more

Banteay Toap Temple

Also recorded as Prasat Banteay Torp, the temple is perhaps one of the least talked about of the large ancient sites in Cambodia but certainly one packed with curiosity. The site covers a large area with the very outer perimeter of the site defined by a levee measuring 2 km a side, no substantial archeological … Read more

Baset Temple – Battambang

Located northeast of Battambang city and sometimes referred to as Prasat Baset/Basaet, Baset Temple, or Prasat Barsaet, it’s the ruins of a large and grandiose ancient temple complex estimated around 400 m x 150 m centering on a large central temple surrounded by six small temples with two libraries. It’s believed to date to the … Read more

Cham Temple

Also known as Prasat O Chheu Teal Thom or Prasat O ChoTal Thom. It is a large sandstone temple located on the western side of Preah Khan (of Kampong Svay). It featured an outer laterite wall enclosing a central shrine and “library” building all most certainly never having been completed. In late 2021, it is … Read more

Chamreh Temple

Prasat Chamreh is a small brick temple built upon a laterite base featuring a square body with a sandstone doorframe on its single opening to the east with false doors around its other sides, all flanked by pilasters topped by arches formed in the brickwork, the main body then rising up with several false levels. … Read more

Cheung Ang Temple

A tall brick temple with remains of an outer laterite wall and moat. Interestingly, the name locals use for the site today is the same as the ancient name of the site as recorded by an inscription which there is more on further below. The site is surrounded by a moat with an entrance on … Read more

Chey Kbo Temple

Also recorded as Chekbor Temple, here surrounded by a moat and located atop a slightly risen mound are the remains of three brick temples. Two the north tower and central tower are mostly standing while only the doorframe remains of the south tower. Artwork on the site is seen on the sandstone embellishments Numerous remains … Read more

Chhouk Temple

Also known as Prasat Chhuk, it is situated to the north of Preah Khan of Kampong Svay and west of Phnom Tnoat and sits at the southern end of a large basin recorded as Trapeang Chhouk. It features three well-preserved laterite towers that are aligned on a north-south axis, opening to the east, and further … Read more

Chrap Temple

Prasat Chrap of Koh Ker is a group of three laterite temples built upon a shared terrace enclosed by an outer laterite wall. The site also featured two brick “library” buildings in front of the three towers although only remnants of one can be seen today. The three laterite towers are spectacularly massive in size … Read more

Chrei Temple (Sambor Prei Kuk)

Located in the Sambor Prei Kuk group of temples, Prasat Chrei (also known as N18/M17) is popular with photographers for its stunning encasement by the roots of a tree. The temple is actually part of Prasat Sambor, a fact that is difficult to recognise today as the current access road divides the site and only … Read more

Damrei Temple (Koh Ker)

Prasat Damrei of Koh Ker, also recorded as Damrei Kandoeng, features the remains of a square brick temple fronted by two brick “library” or annex buildings which are all enclosed by a laterite wall. Whilst today the site is entered by a platform that crosses the south wall, this laterite enclosure originally opened to the … Read more

Don Chroam Temple

Also recorded as Prasat Daun Cheam, it is located in the forest/farmlands of Preah Vihear some 17km southeast of Choam Khsant. Excluding Prasat Neak Buos, it’s a large and elaborate site compared to the other brick temples of the general area. The site features an outer wall constructed of laterite with peak capping that encloses … Read more

Han Chey Temple

The monastery of Wat Hanchey overlooks the Mekong River from its hilltop location featuring ancient sites that date back to the 7th and 8th centuries during the Chenla Era. The monastery is area is large, featuring several sculptures, pagoda, halls, a recreation of an Angkorian era temple, seating with views over the massive Mekong river … Read more

Kamphoeum Temple

Located just south of Krala Peas, Prasat Kamphoeum (or Prasat Kompong) is the remains of a brick temple group. Originally comprised of three brick temples, only the central temple remains standing. It is a square brick temple that opens to the east with false doors formed into the brickwork on its other sides. On the … Read more

Kat Kdei Temple

Located at Preah Khan of Kampong Svay, Prasat Kat Kdei is a large square sandstone temple with a forebody featuring axial openings and columned windows. Also features its own enclosure wall. Inscription – K. 161 was recorded from the south doorframe containing 20 lines of Sanskrit – The inscription waxes-lyrical in hommage to King Suryavarman … Read more

Kdak Temple

Also recorded as Po Damnak Temple. It is a group of three sandstone temples built upon a common platform. They are incomplete, receiving only part of their final decoration. The three towers open to the east and the central tower has a mandapa or hall with side windows. The central tower had received some of … Read more

Khleang Khmaut Temple

Located just south of a contemporary monastery. Wat Khleang Khmaut is a large and unique brick stupa/chedi. It features a square base tapering as it goes up with each level and is topped with a large cone that’s then topped with four smiling faces of old Brahma and a further spire. There are also some … Read more

Khnar Temple (Krala Peas Village)

Prasat Khnar of Choam Khsant district, Preah Vihear Province, is a large walled temple complex featuring the remains of several brick, laterite, and sandstone temples. A curious hodgepodge of structures when compared to the methodical layout of so many temple sites, thereby adding to the curiosity, along with being visually engaging for its art, and, … Read more

Kok Romiet Temple

Located 1 km to the west-northwest of Wat Kok Romiet, the square brick prasat opens to the east with a sandstone doorframe and around its sides, no false doors but there are emphasized pilasters. It was not tall by appearances, a few meters high and the next level tapering in size although today, it’s in … Read more

Kok Troung (Sambor Prei Kuk W)

Also recorded as Prasat Kruok Troung (Tower W) is the southernmost temple of the Sambor Prei Kuk group. It is a rectangular brick temple, opening to the east, with false doors around its other sides that are flanked by “flying palace” reliefs. Also flanking the false doors, which received steps regardless, are decorative round columns … Read more

Kouk Preah Theat Temple

Part of the Han Chey group of temples and this one, sometimes recorded as Han Chey North I, is located by the edge of the Mekong River and dates back to the 7th Century under the reign of King Isanarvarman I during the Chenla era. It has similarities to the temple near Phnom Da, namely … Read more

Krapom Chhouk Temple

Remains of a laterite temple with “library” and outer enclosure. The site is very easy to access being close by to road 62. As mentioned it is a walled site that featured a large entrance gopura on its east side with tall central temple that unusually opened on all four sides along with showing signs … Read more

Kuk Nokor Temple

Also recorded as Prasat Kuha Nokor and located on the grounds of a contemporary monastery, Prasat Kuk Nokor features a laterite temple with “library” building, outer enclosure wall, entry gopura, and basins. Outer gopura Library Central shrine Sema and other remnants

Kuk Yay Hom Temple

Also recorded as Kuk Yeay Ham Temple and Yay Hom, it is a sandstone temple possibly constructed under the reign of Jayavarman VI. It is also the location where an inscribed stele was found that is registered under K. 86 and is now believed to be held at the nearby Wat Sangke. The temple is … Read more

Linga 4 Temple

It is a large square sandstone temple, 11m per side atop a decorated sandstone base, that houses a massive pedestal and linga. It is fronted also by a large laterite and sandstone terrace/pavilion. On the northern side of the shrine, you can see a water spout that would have emitted the sacred water after it … Read more

Linga Temple 1 (Koh Ker)

Also recorded as Prasat Thnoeng, Prasat Theng, and Prasat Balang Cheung. It is a large square sandstone temple housing a large linga atop a pedestal with a spout exiting the northern side of the temple. The square shrine, monolithic in scale, shares its layout and likely its purpose with 3 more that are aligned on … Read more