Chaeng Meng Temple

Located in Pring Thom Commune of Choam Khsan district, Prasat Chaeng Meng (also recorded as Prasat Chengmeng) is the remains of a partially standing small, square laterite temple. The temple featured a short hall or mandapa leading east with sandstone doorframes. Sandstone doorframes were also seen on the false doors of the other sides. Remains … Read more

Kamphoeum Temple

Located just south of Krala Peas, Prasat Kamphoeum (or Prasat Kompong) is the remains of a brick temple group. Originally comprised of three brick temples, only the central temple remains standing. It is a square brick temple that opens to the east with false doors formed into the brickwork on its other sides. On the … Read more

Kdak Temple

Also recorded as Po Damnak Temple. It is a group of three sandstone temples built upon a common platform. They are incomplete, receiving only part of their final decoration. The three towers open to the east and the central tower has a mandapa or hall with side windows. The central tower had received some of … Read more

Khnar Makhop Temple

Prasat Khnar Makhop, located in Phum Penh Commune of Kulean District, Preah Vihear Province is recorded by Inscribed stele registered under K 667 as being one of the many hospital chapels. It has a generic layout as seen with others being a single sandstone tower, square, with a short hall leading east, “library” building in … Read more

Khnar Temple (Krala Peas Village)

Prasat Khnar of Choam Khsant district, Preah Vihear Province, is a large walled temple complex featuring the remains of several brick, laterite, and sandstone temples. A curious hodgepodge of structures when compared to the methodical layout of so many temple sites, thereby adding to the curiosity, along with being visually engaging for its art, and, … Read more

Kraham Temple (Rolom Thma Village)

Set among the plains of Choam Khsant District, Prei Vihear Province, Prasat Kraham is a square brick temple that opens to the east with false doors on the other side formed by the brickwork. Remnants of the lintel and decorated door column can be seen at the site. Note: At Jan 2022, the site does … Read more

Kuk Bros Temple

Located at the corner of the ancient basin and road leading up to Neak Buos Temple, Prasat Kuk (south) is the remains of a laterite temple, with “library” building enclosed by a laterite wall with an entrance pavilion on the eastern side. The central temple has mostly collapsed but originally opened to the east with … Read more

Kuk Srei Temple

Located at the northeast corner of the ancient basin and just south of the larger Neak Buos Temple, Prasat Kuk Srei is a ruinous but fascinating site of a distinct and unusual format. This unusual format consists of a U-shaped building fronted by a long peristyle construction that researchers note as a building of the … Read more

Neak Buos Temple

Located on the side of the Dangrek Mountain range, Prasat Neak Buos is a fascinating and massive ancient temple complex featuring a diverse group of structures in brick, sandstone, and laterite. The fascinating site dates back to the late 7th century with additions continuing through the 9th, 10th, 11th, and the last construction, a hospital … Read more

Phnom Dap Temple

Located atop a hill in Choam Khsant District of Preah Vihear, near to the large Neak Buos Temple, and on the grounds of an emerging monastery, is a small, square, and partially standing brick temple. The ancient temple is surrounded by an enormity of brick rubble, some of which is arranged to form a perimeter, … Read more

Pong Toek Temple

Prasat Pong Toek of Srayang Commune, Preah Vihear Province, is a group of three sandstone temples, two of which are mostly standing. The towers are aligned on a north-south axis, all open to the east and built upon a common laterite base. The central tower is slightly taller than the outer towers also with slightly … Read more

Temple of Preah Vihear

Prasat Preah Vihear is another of the great wonders of the Khmer Empire, a grand sandstone temple complex atop a 500 m cliff of the Dangrek Mountain range. Since July 7, 2008, it has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A page update is in progress……… Getting there: From Siem Reap, you can … Read more

Trapeang Khnar Sen Keo Temple

Located around 12 km south of Kulean in Preah Vihear Province, Prasat Trapeang Khnar Sen Keo is the remains of a sandstone temple complex that featured a large basin to the north, another basin to the east, bollarded and paved entrances on the east and west that crossed a large moat, then, a tall sandstone … Read more

Trapeang Pong Toek Temple

Locals refer to the site as Prasat Phnom Penh, following the name of the nearby pyramid-shaped mountain. Located among the farmlands, it is a small single sandstone temple, square, opening to the east and appearing to have had a hall leading eastward. Further to the east are the remains of bollards and other remnants perhaps … Read more

Trapeang Thnal Chhouk Temple

Also known as Trapeang Chhouk, located in Toek Kraham Commune of Choam Khsant District, it is a group of five brick temples enclosed by an outer brick wall. The five temples are arranged on a north-south axis and open to the east with three large temples, partially standing, behind which are two smaller temples mostly … Read more

Wat Po (Kulean)

Local monastery, The Temple of 5000 Buddhas and Northeast Region Vipassana Center, with a fascinating vision and construction program underway (Jan 2022). In the future perhaps, one hopes, an icon of contemporary Buddhism in Cambodia. Actually, I really look forward to a return visit especially to wander through the field of Buddhas, seemingly so methodically … Read more