Sandstone Quarry (Beng Mealea)

On the east side of Phnom Kulen, west of Beng Mealea temple, there are several sandstone quarry sites, some old and one that is still active providing sandstone for the restoration works taking place in Angkor. It’s interesting to note the techniques that seemingly haven’t changed too much with iron picks still in use. In … Read more

Prasat Prohm Tis (Banteay Srei District)

Located along the road that leads to the Kulara Water plant and Wat Preah Ang Choub, Prasat Prohm Tis features a contemporary chedi with a statue of Lok Ta Dambang Dek (Khmer: លោកតាដំបងដែក). On the east side of the grounds is a contemporary Buddhist vihara, demarcated by sema. Lok Ta Dambang Dek, or “Grandfather of … Read more

Wat Stan

Wat Preah Serey Ratana (called Wat Stan)

Wat Chub Toul Peul

Wat Bali Damrey Krab, called Wat Chub Toul Peul. Our visit here was in January 2025 with the pagoda still in development.

Chamteav Temple

Located 4km northeast of Wat Tbaeng and 6km or so west of Phnom Kulen, the site features the remains of a late 10th to mid-11th-century brick temple. The site is somewhat special in that it has a person living on site as an ascetic, which is wonderful to encounter. There are a few places, but … Read more

Wat Run Ta Ek

The new pagoda of Run Ta Ek Techo Sen. Run Ta Ek has undergone significant development in recent years. Originally a small community with 442 families, it was designated a relocation site for residents moving from the Angkor Archaeological Park. The APSARA National Authority (ANA), which is responsible for managing the Angkor site, developed Run … Read more

Wat Khnar Krao

Contemporary monastery and pagoda with a large basin on the east. Near the basin is a small neak ta shelter housing remnants of an ancient temple including sandstone plinths, pesani, and a sema stone fragment. Images: 07/2022

O’Chup Thnal Campsite (Phnom Kulen)

Located atop Phnom Kulen and a few minutes west of Anlong Thom village, O’Chup Thnal Campsite is run by the local community and the Anglong Thom CBTC. The site is located by a freshwater stream with sandy banks offering a great place to swim and relax. They have also set up some basic tables, tarpaulins, … Read more

Prasat Kok Chen (Phnom Kulen)

The site is located southwest of Anlong Thom village, atop Phnom Kulen, along the trail that leads to Rong Chen Temple. Only the base of a brick temple remains to be seen. Notable for the width of its walls, the site is also flanked by a natural rock monolith.

Chrei Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Chrei (not to be confused with Chup Chrei which is further to the south) is located atop Phnom Kulen, south of Anlong Thom village, south of Prasat Neak Ta and north of Bos Neak Temple. It is part of a group of temples, Anlong Thom, Prasat Neak Ta, Bos Neak, all orientated on a … Read more

Phnom Kulen Makara

Located around 2km northwest of Beng Mealea Temple on the foothills of Phnom Kulen, is a very unique piece of ancient infrastructure. Around 2020, a local discovered a large sandstone head of a Makara (part lion/part sea creature from Hindu mythology). Recently the site has been excavated and restored revealing it was actually part of … Read more

Wat Preah Kral

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located atop the southern edge of Phnom Kulen. The site features several stupas along with the natural wonder of the rocky terrain and extraordinary views over the plains below Phnom Kulen. Getting there – the site is accessed by a good road that leads south opposite Kulen Youth Camp from the … Read more

Wat Chas (Phnom Kulen)

Wat Chas is a small monastery nearby the eastern cliff edge of Phnom Kulen providing spectacular views from several points over Svay Leu and the plains below. It might be an amazing sunrise spot too, but the monastery gates never seem to be open that early.

Poeng Ta Kho

Also known as “Amazing Cliff”, located atop Kulen Mountain it’s an easy-to-reach site offering impressive views across the canyon below in between the mountain ranges. It is reached off the main road across the top of the mountain where there is a small parking bay and foot trail leading to the site. Around 150 m … Read more

Phnom Kulen Waterfall

The waterfall features two levels and is a popular spot atop the mountain. The first level is located after the River of 1000 Lingas and is around 4-5 meters tall. The second and most spectacular level is around 20 meters tall. You reach the second level by following the road along the northern side of … Read more


Ancient temple site where only the base deposit well remains to be seen.


Unknown. Site has recently been cleared but remains unnamed. It sits atop a large raised mound where scattered laterite, brick and sandstone rubble, and several decayed pedestals can be seen including a pedestal with an octagonal center.

Prasat O Toub

A ruinous brick temple that sits atop an elongated laterite base. Originally it was believed to have had three towers but only one remains partially standing today. Nearby are the scenic and spectacular rock carvings of Peung Moha Ey Say. In front of the site, there is a large exposed section of natural bedrock that … Read more

Spean Tnaot Ta Dev

Laterite bridge oriented East-West with a balustrade decorated with sandstone naga. It is 11 m long and 6.50 m wide. (about a hundred meters west of the northwest corner of the moat.)

Leak Neang Temple (Banteay Srei District)

Located just north of Phnom Bok, Prasat Leak Neang features a tall square brick temple that was the central tower of what was intended to be a group of three. Fascinatingly, only two sandstone false doors remain standing representing what was the northern tower and the southern tower has no remains. They shared a laterite … Read more

Run Temple

Located on the grounds of the contemporary monastery, Wat Run, Prasat Run are the remains of a small brick temple square, only part of the base remains to be seen with entry steps showing an opening to the east. A large basin in the north immediately west is a contemporary pagoda featuring beautiful Khmer Buddhist … Read more

Denh Chor

Remains of an ancient staircase also recorded as Chere Ancient Staircase. Historical Notes Denh Cho. This is the name given to a series of limonite gradius cut by very irregular steps which, leaning against the east slopes of the plateau, allow one to climb the 200 meters of difference in level ending in a perpendicular … Read more

River of 1000 Lingas (Anlong Pong Phkay)

Along a stretch of the riverbed for around 500 m there are carvings of linga, several big and small yoni, and a large carving of Vishnu. Along the walls of the riverbed, a small carving is also seen in the bedrock. At the very southern end or the beginning of the carvings, there is also … Read more

Dot Sdach Kumlong Temple

Situated atop Phnom Kulen, it’s the remains of a brick temple, located near the River of 1000 Lingas. Historical Notes Prasat Doch Sdach Komlong (The cremation sanctuary of the leper king). – We cannot consider as a building of the great Cambodian era the brick building that is designated by this name and which is … Read more

Preah Ang Thom Pagoda

Located atop Phnom Kulen, and often referred to as the Reclining Buddha, Preah Ang Thom (Khmer: ព្រះអង្គធំ) is an 8 meters (26 ft) tall statue of the reclining Buddha reaching nirvana. The statue is carved into a huge natural sandstone boulder to which a modern staircase has been added along with a shelter over the … Read more

Chhat Moha Russei

Large blocks of sandstone formed a shelter where various sculptures were stored. It is located near a small pool featuring rock carvings.   Historical Notes Chhat Maha Ru’sei (The Great Hermit’s Parasol). This name refers to a block of sandstone located about twenty meters to the S. of Prah Thom. It is a sort of … Read more

Kraham Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Recently restored, Kraham Temple, or the Red Temple (due to the color of bricks used), was originally a group of three temples built in the 9th century and aligned north-south while opening to the east. Today only the southern temple remains to be seen, with the middle temple no longer seen and the northern temple … Read more

Neak Ta Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Located south of Anlong Thom village atop Phnom Kulen south of Prasat Anlong Thom and north of Prasat Chrei and Bos Neak. All are along the same trail, on a north-south axis and all, unusually, open to the west. The tall square brick temple is mostly standing at least on three sides. Even in its … Read more

O Pha-ong Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Also recorded as Aur Pha On, O Phaong, Neak Ta, and Andong Temple. Prasat O Pha-ong is a tall square brick temple on a raised brick terrace. It opens to the east and features three false floors, decreasing in size with each step up, also featuring “mini-prasats” at each corner. Rather than carved elements, it … Read more

Rong Chen Temple (Phnom Kulen)

Prasat Rong Chen, or Rong Chen Temple, sits atop Kulen Mountain (Phnom Kulen) located around 60-70km north of Siem Reap and about 2 km southwest of the village of Anlong Thom. It is a fascinating and historically important site dating to the 9th century that is anecdotally touted as where the Khmer King Jayavarman II … Read more