Kôk Ta Meas
Ruined brick temple, laterite foundation, moat
Wat Prasat
Located on the site of Reangsei Pagoda, a ruinous east-facing small brick temple with inscribed sandstone doorframes (K # unknown). Several remnants are seen around the doorway including colonette and other carved pieces. There is a contemporary pagoda immediately east and a large basin. Gallery
Laterite blocks visible indication location of old bridge (Source: Cisark)
Kôk Prasat
Brick temple in ruin, the provenance of stele inscription K.872
Kroes Prei Ten
Remains of a terrace (source: Cisark). A “Buddhist Terrace”?
Trapeang Tasit Temple
A modern monastery (Puthan Nokor Reach Thorm Meta Pagoda) on the ancient temple site features a large moat, while the only remnants to be seen are several sandstone plinths and pieces. Gallery
Ta Met Temple
Ruinous brick temple built on a foundation of laterite.