Spean Trapeang Ruessei

It is located 2.7km west of Beng Mealea temple and 1.5km east of Sam Yot temple, along the ancient East Road that joined Angkor to Beng Mealea and Preah Khan of Kampong Svay and 500m east of Road 64 and the village of Trapeang Ruessei. When asking about the old road, local villagers pointed us … Read more

Spean Lbeuk Prei West

Remains of a small laterite bridge located along the ancient road that led out of Angkor to Phnom Srok (and beyond to Sdok Kak Thom). See a larger map of the ancient road network and bridges here and here.

Spean Khmeng (Beng Mealea)

Located just east of Beng Mealea, it’s a small ancient bridge that is still in use today and, quite amazingly, holding up to today’s heavy vehicles. It has been sealed over with bitumen and goes completely unnoticed apart from the locals who live on either side. It’s quite small, only around 13-15 m long and … Read more

Spean Tbong (Oddar Meanchey)

Located just north of the much larger Spean Toap and to the east of Prohm Kel Temple, Spean Tbong is a laterite bridge with 13 arches recorded as measuring 43 m long and 9.5 m wide.

Spean Memay (Oddar Meanchey)

Laterite bridge featuring 15 arches and recorded as measuring 92 m long and 9.5 m wide. It is located less than two hundred meters south of the much larger Spean Toap and the two are connected in some way by a linear line of laterite blocks between the two bridges that are seen on the … Read more

Spean Sreng

Site of a large ancient bridge where today only a couple of decayed sandstone pieces remain.

Spean Toap (Oddar Meanchey)

Also known as Spean Tip, or Spean Top. It is the longest ancient bridge in the Khmer Empire featuring 28 arches and measures 150 m long and 14.5 m wide. It is a major feature of the north-western ancient Royal Road to Phimai that connected Angkor to the remote outpost of the Khmer Empire in … Read more

Spean Thnâl Dach

Laterite bridge (location estimated – cisark notes as destroyed)

Spean O Phdau

Also recorded as Spean Phdao. It’s a laterite bridge, recorded as 40 m long, on the ancient road between Khvav and Preah Khan of Kampong Svay. At a recorded 40m long, I think it’s the second longest bridge along the ancient East Road from Angkor to Preah Khan of Kampong Svay. The present-day trail diverts … Read more


Ancient laterite bridge with remnants of the sandstone naga balustrade still seen. The local trail diverts south around the bridge currently (late 2021). It uses post and lintel construction and is in very good condition. Oddly, there are large laterite blocks scattered about 15 m to the southwest.


A laterite bridge that is around 9m wide with remains extending lengthwise for around 26m, while there are scant remains, it may have been originally around 45-50m long. It runs north-south and crossed the old Siem Reap river. It would not seem necessarily related to the ancient road network of the empire and with the … Read more


Remains of a laterite bridge 8 m long and 8 m wide.  

Spean Praptos – Kampong Kdei Bridge

Also known as Kampong Kdei Bridge, Preah Toes Bridge, or Spean Kampong Kdei, it is a grand ancient laterite bridge measuring 86 m long and 14 m wide with 21 arches and topped by a sandstone balustrade with stunning ornamental naga. It received some restorative work in the 1920s and comprehensive restoration in the 1960s … Read more

Spean Khpuos

Laterite bridge with 5 arches, 16 m long, 7 wide and 2 high (Source: Cisark).

Spean Phum O

Laterite bridge that is reported to measure 33 m long, 8.2 m wide and 3.2 m high. At the time of visiting, 06/21, it was a little overgrown.

Spean Tnaot Ta Dev

Laterite bridge oriented East-West with a balustrade decorated with sandstone naga. It is 11 m long and 6.50 m wide. (about a hundred meters west of the northwest corner of the moat.)

Spean Khmeng (Khvav)

Located along the ancient East Royal Road that joined Angkor to Beng Mealea and Preah Khan of Kampong Svay, it’s a medium-sized laterite bridge, still in use, with 8 arches and recorded as measuring 35 meters long and 7 meters wide. Like most of the ancient bridges on this section of the ancient road, it … Read more

Spean Ta Ong

Also recorded as Spean Ta Oak and Spean Ta Oung. It is an ancient laterite bridge measuring 63 m long, 12 m wide, and 7.3 m high featuring 14 arches, and is recorded as the largest bridge along the ancient East Royal Road that connected Angkor to Beng Mealea to Preah Khan (Kampong Svay) – … Read more

Spean Thma

Known as Spean Thmor, or Spean Thma (Khmer: ស្ពានថ្ម) in Angkor Archeological Park is an ancient sandstone bridge located west of Ta Keo. It was built on the former path of the Siem Reap River between Angkor Thom and the Eastern Baray and it was rebuilt/constructed sometime between the 13-17th century, officially recorded as the 17th … Read more

Spean Thma Stoeng Toch

A small ancient bridge located east of Wat Banteay Kbal Chen along the ancient East Road that leads to Beng Mealea and Preah Khan of Kampong Svay. It is recorded at 25 meters long and 3 meters wide, constructed of laterite with sandstone balustrade, East-West oriented, consisting of ten arches. Images 12/2024 Images 2021 Historical … Read more

Spean Memay

Also known as Spean Thma and Spean Memai. An ancient laterite bridge composed of 21 arches and measuring 79 meters long and 9 meters wide. Once part of the ancient Royal Road that led to Phnom Srok and Sdok Kak Thhom. It’s located near the northwest corner of the West Baray, use Google satellite imagery … Read more

Spean Thma Stoeng Chhkae Kon

Ancient laterite bridge still in use, recorded as 24 m long and 9 m wide. There is a small neak ta shelter housing a remnant but from where is not clear.

Spean Memay (Lbeuk Prei)

The location of a laterite bridge that was recorded by Lunet Lajonquire in the 1900s which hopefully still exists underneath the successive road upgrades. It was recorded as being 28 m long and 9 m wide. See a larger map of the ancient road network and bridges here and here. Note there are several bridges named “Memay” see here for … Read more

Spean Rolom Pil

Spean Rolom Pil is a small laterite bridge located along the ancient road that led out of Angkor to Phnom Srok (and beyond to Sdok Kak Thom). See a larger map of the ancient road network and bridges here and here.

Spean Stoeng Preah Srok

An ancient laterite bridge featuring 15 arches and measures around at least 30 m x 12 m (Brugier) and is overgrown with thorny shrub. The river has been diverted around the bridge and a rather large dam is being built on its northern side. A replacement bridge to the south joining the communities on either … Read more

Spean Rolom Svay

Site of an ancient laterite bridge. Nothing remains bar a small pile of laterite blocks which for the most part of the year are underwater. On the bank, there is a small shelter housing decorated fragments from a nearby temple site. See a larger map of the ancient road network and bridges here and here.