
We came across this on our supplementary Feb 2025 tour along the ancient East Road. On satellite imagery, I thought it looked a lot like a moat-surrounded mound and was worth stopping by, considering it’s right by the road. What we did see, only due to the area recently having been backburned, was an ancient … Read more

Lake Bangkong Siem Reap

Located 18 km to the northeast of Siem Reap City and 2 km southwest of Wat Kbal Chen, Lake Bangkong is an ancient pond that features an ancient stone boundary marker. The boundary marker is fragmented, but it can be assumed to have once depicted a seated Buddha on each of its four sides. The … Read more

Wat Toap Chey

Contemporary monastery that was founded in recent times. The site retains several sandstone fragments from an ancient temple. There is some folklore surrounding the site and its remnants. One night, while studying the Dhama, a monk saw a white light in front of the throne. He told the abbot, who did not believe, but for … Read more

Wat Kambao Or

Located just north of Spean Khmeng on the ancient East Road that joined Angkor to Preah Khan of Kampong Svay. Wat Kambao Or is a contemporary Buddhist pagoda featuring several ancient road markers. The ancient road markers seen here are similar to those seen near Spean Praptos on the Southeast Road and others at Wat … Read more

Wat Puthearam Banteay Touk 

Contemporary monastery and pagoda located in Phumi Treas of Svay Chek district. Several remnants of an ancient temple are seen in shelters and surrounds.

Wat Chas Prey Veng

The old wooden pagoda and salaa. I believe nowadays the monk resides a little further north in a new salaa. Stored here is an unusual Buddhist boundary marker.

Wat Kaun Ak

Contemporary monastery and pagoda with a modern take on the original style of vihara featuring an open play with tall columns. It’s quite nice to see and was completed in 2015. The site also houses a small shelter with a collection of remnants including a round pedestal, a lion with a wonky replacement head, and … Read more

Boundary Marker (Kampong Kdei)

Ancient boundary marker or mile marker. A chance discovery while having lunch, the lady at the shop mentioned it as being one of three in the area along the road at regular intervals. Also, the food is delicious there, bai sach chrouk pictured below.

Boundary Marker

Shelter housing a Buddhist Boundary Marker. It features on one side, a seated Buddha on Naga and a standing guardian devata on the other.

Wat Prey Preah

Contemporary monastery featuring remnants of an ancient site. A new pagoda is nearing completion (12/22) and nearby a smaller contemporary shrine and older vihara house several remnants of an ancient site including a sandstone bollard carved with a Buddha image and in the older vihara, several sandstone plinths. Note the wooden sema delimiting the sacred … Read more

Boundary Marker (Damdaek)

A Buddhist boundary marker located beside a Chinese ancestral grave area and in between the ancient sites of Sasar Sdam and Preah Trapeang.