Preah Theat Thom Temple (of Banteay Prei Nokor)

Located within the large ancient area of Banteay Prei Nokor, and inside the monastery grounds of Wat Prei Angkor Knoung Sdech Kan, Prasat Preah Thom features two standing brick temples located directly behind the pagoda. Both temples are made of brick, are on a north-south axis and open to the east but similarities end there. … Read more


An ancient site with only a mound of bricks remaining

Preah Theat Muoy

Location of an ancient site with little remaining of a brick temple

Preah Theat Toch Temple (Banteay Prei Nokor)

Within the walls of Banteay Prei Nokor, 250 m to the southeast of Preah Theat Thom, are the partially standing remains of what was originally a group of three brick temples that opened to the north. Only one brick tower remains and is believed to date to the time of King Bhavavarman I in the … Read more

Banteay Prei Nokor (Tbong Khmum)

An ancient citadel consisting of a large square enclosure, 2.5 km x 2.5 km, surrounded by a moat and berm. It dates back to the 7/8th century while also being a quite important location in the 16th century. Once you cross the moat, head to the monastery, Wat Prei Angkor Knoung Sdech Kan, and you’ll … Read more