Lake Bangkong Siem Reap

Located 18 km to the northeast of Siem Reap City and 2 km southwest of Wat Kbal Chen, Lake Bangkong is an ancient pond that features an ancient stone boundary marker. The boundary marker is fragmented, but it can be assumed to have once depicted a seated Buddha on each of its four sides. The … Read more

Kbal Romeas Temple (Toek Vil, Siem Reap)

Located on the northwestern side of Siem Reap city, the site is known to locals as Prasat Kbal Romeas. The site features a large moat-surrounded mound that measures around 40m or so per side. There are traces of at least two small brick shrines towards the western end of this mound. Otherwise, there is not … Read more

Reach Chuntal Temple

Prasat Reach Chuntal is located in the central area of Siem Reap city, in the commune (now Sangkat) of Kok Chak. Surrounded by homes, it features large square laterite blocks, perhaps forming the basement of the temple that was seemingly largely built in brick according to the rubble seen at the site. There are traces … Read more


One of the several brick shrines that surround the enclosure wall of Bakong Temple. This one, a tall tower that would have risen up with at least two false floors is still standing partially on two sides. It opens to the east with false doors on its other sides.


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. Only the base of the shrine remains and its pedestal. It opens to the east.


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. Only the base of the shrine remains, there may be traces of a wall? It opens to the east.


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. Perhaps the most interesting of all is a group of three brick temples with a large central tower that appears to possibly have had a mandapa, which is flanked by two smaller brick towers. … Read more


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. Partially standing brick temple still retaining its pedestal and in front, two octagonal decorated door columns (partly buried at the time). It opens to the south with a sandstone doorframe and false doors on … Read more


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. Only the base of this site remains along with its sandstone pedestal.


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This site sits atop a large mound and perhaps beneath is a base structure yet to be revealed. What can be seen is the brickwork base of the temple and several sandstone pieces. Some … Read more


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This site has not been completely cleared to date, remains of sandstone and brick can be seen through the overgrowth (late 2021).


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. At this site, only the base remains to be seen.


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This one stands out as being a little unique from the other towers around the perimeter. It features a sandstone base with steps on each side that are flanked by alters that originally feature … Read more


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This one is partially standing and at the site, there are some beautiful round decorated columns to be seen and the remains of a lintel.


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This one is in great condition, rising up three levels, featuring a sandstone doorframe still in place and opening to the north with sandstone false doors on its other sides. Some remains of decorated … Read more


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This one, only the base of the brick structure remains, some of it as rubble and some small parts in great condition. Its sandstone alter is still in place. There appears some mixed remains … Read more


One of the several brick shrines inside the outer moat and surrounding the enclosure wall and inner moat of Bakong Temple. This one, only the base of the brick structure remains with its sandstone alter still in place.

Soriya Rong Ko

Ancient walled site located beside a contemporary monastery. The walled site is not large, around 25 m x 35 m long with a sandstone doorframe still standing on the east and a large opening on the west which may well be a later modification. The temple itself is no longer to be seen bar a … Read more

Terrace B2 – Angkor Thom

An as yet unprepared site for visitors (05/2021). The site was originally noted by Henri Marchal back in the 1900s as group of two sites, Terrace B and this one, B2. Both are related to Theravadan Buddhism that became predominant in the post God-King era/late Angkor period. The site, overgrown, features a tall stepped structure, … Read more


An uncleared site and unprepared for visitors. Located along the northeastern edge of the Beng Thom (a large basin) is a mostly continuous mound running east-west of almost 250 m in length and perhaps 30 m wide and several meters tall. On its northeastern end can be seen a laterite structure, a sandstone plinth, various … Read more

North Bank Wall

Remnants of a tall earthen wall with a laterite substructure that connects in between Angkor Thom and the East Baray. Running parallel on the northern side is a modern laid dirt trail and a canal that connects into the moat of Angkor Thom. It may have also spawned a bridge at its western end while … Read more

Firehouse at Ta Prohm

Located inside the outer enclosure of Ta Prohm and preceding the first moat on the eastern side is a single sandstone building which is referred to as a Firehouse, or in some literature as a Dharmasala. In either respect, these firehouses were an important feature along the ancient royal road network. This particular one being … Read more

Small Basin

A small permanent basin 20 m x 20 m and 1-2 m deep (at a guess) lined with laterite and sandstone capping. Interestingly it is located atop what could be inferred as an island surrounded by canalisation. There are also odd pieces of stone around the southern side and 50 m to the southeast is … Read more

Terrace F

An uncleared site featuring remains of a terrace (or two?). Believed to be a Buddhist Terrace. Only scant remains can be seen among the overgrowth including sema stones, a structure base, and other laterite and sandstone blocks (03/2021). Gallery Around 95 m to the southwest further remains of laterite and sandstone

Terrace T

A small Buddhist Terrace on the eastern side of Ta Tout temple. Gallery


An uncleared site featuring the remains of a small Buddhist Terrace. Gallery


A ruinous and uncleared site that is believed to be a “Buddhist Terrace”. Brickwork, laterite, and sandstone can be seen along with remnants of a stone garuda and sandstone pedestals. Gallery

Terrace (Vestige Prasat)

An uncleared and partially excavated site, now overgrown, where several pedestals can be seen, some molded sandstone plinths, and sema stone featuring the god Yama (God of Death/Justice and the Underworld). While the site as we see it today is believed to be the remnants of a Buddhist Terrace of the late or post-Angkor period, … Read more


An uncleared site that has been partially excavated. A sema stone can be seen and a sandstone pedestal atop a raised mound.