Ta Prohm Temple of Tonle Bati – Takeo Province

A large temple complex featuring a square sandstone temple with two library buildings, an outer enclosure with vaulted galleries and pavilions, another enclosure with permanent basins, and entrance gopura on the east and west. The temple was built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII in the late 12th or early 13th century. It is … Read more

Prohm Kel Temple (Oddar Meanchey Province)

Prohm Kel Temple is located in Cheung Tien Village of Oddar Meanchey Province, approximately 35 km from Samrong City and about 700 meters north of the largest ancient bridge in Cambodia, Spean Toap. The temple was listed in French research documents more than a hundred years ago. Prohm Kel Temple was built on flat land … Read more

Bayon Temple – Hidden Quirks, Facts and History

Bayon Temple is a richly decorated ancient Khmer temple located at the center of Angkor Thom in Angkor Archeological Park of Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is one of the must-see temples when visiting the area being famous for its array of towers with smiling faces and “baroque” architecture in a Khmer context. From an architectural … Read more

Ta Prohm Temple – Layout, History, Visiting Guide and More

Ta Prohm temple is located 3 km northeast of Angkor Wat, and around 12 km northeast of Siem Reap city. It is an ancient Buddhist monastic complex that was constructed in 1186 AD under the reign of the Khmer King, Jayavarman VII, and is popularly known in modern culture as the “Tomb Raider Temple”. The … Read more

Banteay Kdei Temple

Banteay Kdei Temple is a charming ancient temple located opposite the grand basin of Srah Srang to which it was once connected. Built in the mid-12th to early 13th centuries during the reign of King Jayavarman VII, it is in the Bayon architectural style, with a flat layout plan similar to the nearby Ta Prohm … Read more

Banteay Prey Temple

Also known as Prasat Banteay Prei, it is located in Angkor Archaeological Park or Siem Reap, north of Preah Khan and just off the Grand Circuit road. First, you’ll find Prasat Prei, and then 100 m further on is the larger Banteay Prei site. The temples were built in the late 12th to early 13th … Read more

Prei Temple (Prey E Tbong Temple)

Prasat Prei is located on a small rise featuring what would have been a small compound with a wall surrounding a single sanctuary and ‘library’. At the site today you can still see a standing remnant of the entry gopura (gate), wall, and the library and main temple are still standing. The main temple albeit … Read more

Banteay Thom Temple

Banteay Thom Temple (ប្រាសាទបន្ទាយធំ) is a temple located 15km north of Siem Reap and 10km north of Angkor Wat. It is well outside of the standard tour circuits, the small circuit and grand circuit, and is accessed only by motorbike, bike, or by foot. Banteay Thom Temple is believed to have been built around the … Read more

Kdei Ta Kom Temple

Also known as Rong Damrei Temple and Prasat Ta Kam, it is located to the east of Prasat Kdei Ta Kom Thom (or Kol Temple). It features the partially standing remains of a laterite temple that had an annex building (library) and outer wall with a large basin in the east. It is noted that … Read more

Don An Temple

Located on contemporary monastery grounds are the remains of a sandstone temple that creates a real curious puzzle for its rearrangement is extensive. Entering the monastery, you will immediately see some interesting sema, pedestals lining the way, with a decorated door column, and part of the temple crown. Look to the right, a rectangular area … Read more

Phnom Veak Temple

Also known as Prasat Phnom Preah Tevakh, the ancient temple is located atop the low mountain with one tall tower built atop a stepped laterite base which also appears as it may have once led to stairs down the mountain on its easter side. The tower is constructed mostly of laterite although a lot of … Read more