- Area: Kampong Cham Province > Batheay District > Trab Commune > Thmei Village
- | Type: Ancient Remains & Temples
Monastery that features a large basin with laterite lining one side, along with numerous ancient pedestals, domed pieces (bollards?), and sema stones arranged around the perimeter of the pagoda.

*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.
Site Info
- Site Name: Preis Meas (V.) Khmer Name: វត្តប្រើសមាស
- Reference ID: HA23822 | Posted: February 14, 2022 | Last Update: February 7th, 2023
- Tags/Group: pa, Phnom Trâp, sema, T4, Temples, Wat
- Location: Kampong Cham Province > Batheay District > Trab Commune > Thmei Village