- Area: Kampot Province > Angkor Chey District > Tani Commune
- | Type: Ancient Remains & Temples
Located on contemporary monastery grounds and preceding the beautiful pagoda on its western side are the remains of an ancient temple. A tall and rectangular laterite structure, it opens to the east with remnants of door round columns that formed from laterite. The walls are entirely plain bar the base molding and emphasized eaves.

Historical Notes
Vat Prasat. Tani village located in the most fertile part of the plain, a little north of Preah Ongkar, a few kilometers from Moroum and two springs which fall in cascades on the slopes of this mountain, is the residence of the current governor. It should be noted in this regard that Rantési Méas, the name of the province, does not apply to any specific place. Vat Prasat tower pagoda is the name given in this village of Tani to the ruins of a square tower, built in limonite and measuring 3 to 6 meters on a side by 7 to 8 in height. Next to it, a small flat sandstone stele, broken and worn, suggests in the eight lines that it had on each of its two sides a few scattered words, common titles of gods, high priests, or lay lords. This inscription, which appears to date back to the 10th century, would probably date from after the construction of the tower
Le Cambodge, E. Aymonier, 1901
- K. 43 – stele – 8 lines of Khmer – whereabouts unknown
Site Info
- Site Name: Wat Prasat Khmer Name: ប្រាសាទវត្តប្រាសាទ
- Reference ID: HA22396 | Posted: December 28, 2021 | Last Update: November 1st, 2023
- Tags/Group: 10th Century, rb, T4, Temples, Wat
- Location: Kampot Province > Angkor Chey District > Tani Commune