- Area: Preah Vihear Province > Kuleaen District > Srayang Commune > Tel Village
- | Type: Ancient Remains & Temples
Located in Preah Vihear province near the border of Siem Reap and Oddar Meanchey atop a small mountain (Phnom Tel Khmer: ភ្នំតែល), it’s a contemporary monastery and pagoda with an older style wood columned vihara and more modern pagoda that offers superb views across the plains below and to the mountains in the distance.
To the east of here is a small village, Tel Village, with one stall offering gasoline/drinks/snack foods and 6km to the east is Phnom Sandak. From here, there is a reasonable dirt road heading west-northwest to Tumnup Knor (Oddar Meanchey Province) and a good road leading south to Siem Reap Province.

*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.
Site Info
- Site Name: Phnom Tel (V.) Khmer Name: វត្តគិរីបង្គលសុវណ្ណ រាប - វត្តភ្នំរ័តល
- Reference ID: HA33948 | Last Update: January 9th, 2023
- Tags/Group: T13, Temples, Wat
- Location: Preah Vihear Province > Kuleaen District > Srayang Commune > Tel Village