- Area: Kandal Province > Lvea Aem District > Akreiy Ksatr Commune
- | Type: Ancient Remains & Temples
Contemporary monastery and pagoda featuring several older stupa and quite unique murals inside the pagoda. At the time of visiting (08/22) it was under restoration. Located in the southern region of Ksach Kandal district nearby the Mekong River.

Site Info
- Site Name: Areyksat (V.) Khmer Name: វត្តអរីយក្សត្រ
- Reference ID: HA30858 | Posted: August 16, 2022 | Last Update: February 7th, 2023
- Tags/Group: pa, sema, stupa, T9, Temples, Wat
- Location: Kandal Province > Lvea Aem District > Akreiy Ksatr Commune