- Area: Siem Reap Province > Krong Siem Reab > Svay Dangkom Commune
- | Type: Ancient Remains & Temples
Located on the western side of Siem Reap city, the site is also known as Prasat Kork Tavaing. It features the remains of what appears to be a circa 10th-11th century sandstone temple that featured a single shrine, an annex building (library), an enclosure wall, an entrance pavilion, and a moat.
Quite noticeable is the repurposing of sandstone blocks as a floor akin to the late/post-Angkor period renovations that took place in Angkor with the conversion of some temples into Buddhist Terraces/Vihara. A point that was also noted during excavations of the site in the early 1970s.
The decorative art of the site, created at the peak of the classical period, is truly something to cherish. Whilst fragmented, some pieces preserve incredible detail.
The site was recently cleared by APSARA, who are studying the temple with the potential for reassembling what components remain, more here.

Historical Notes
In 1973, it was recorded that a lintel, whose central idol was Krishna, was discovered at the nearby Wat Chak and was believed to have originated from this site. The site was excavated, and a ring and gold fragment were also discovered. Several layout plans were also produced. The survey revealed the site was modified during the Jayavarman VII era, according to the author’s interpretation of some of the art seen, and later converted into a Buddhist terrace/vihara to later be deserted and have a Neak Ta shelter added.
Angkor Conservation Report – Annual 1972-1973 via EFEO Banyan Collections
In January 1973 my attention was drawn to some carved sandstone blocks preserved at Vat Chok, 2 km SW of Siem Reap. In addition, on the track serving this monastery, the monks had once built a bridge with other blocks and noted a lintel (since returned to the DCA). These elements came from Neak Ta Voang, a small mound which rises 300 m south of the monastery among the rice field, which I immediately went to explore.
The ground and aerial photographic study revealed a site surrounded by a rectangular moat oriented East-West, in relation to one of the ancient courses of the stooung Siemreap passing to the East. In the center, the Neak Ta shelter had been erected using a certain number of ancient blocks: lintels, bases, etc. (Pl. 21 A). A first survey revealed that in addition this shelter crowned the remains of a tower-canctuary (Pl. 21 B).
I then undertook systematic excavations – financed by the EFEO – which finally enabled the discovery of a fairly large complex, the summary history of which is as follows.
A first temple was built in the last years of the 10th or the first deconnia of the 11th century. It included a sandstone sanctuary tower on a laterite base, with three false doors and an eastern door preceded by a blind avant-corps (Pl. 22 A). A sandstone library on a laterite base stood to the south-east; the whole was enclosed by a laterite enclosure wall, with sandstone entrance pavilions to the east and west (Pl. 22 B), of cruciform plan but with a single line of axial doors.
Under Jayavarman VII, significant alterations were made to this first core, some of the blocks of which were reused. It seems that they included at least one terrace with hamsas and garudas, sculpted on the retaining wall, and probably some other structure because elements of pediments from this period remain.
In the late period, the whole was incorporated into a Buddhist monastery. The sanctuary tower, more or less leveled, served as a base for a brick and stucco altar. With the split sandstone blocks, a vast paving was built, encompassing the East gopura I and extending forward, to probably form the floor of a vihara (Pl. 22 B). Finally the site was deserted and the shelter of the Neak Ta erected.
We have, of course, noted all these remains, then deposited the late states in the hope of being able to reconstruct the initial sanctuary. In fact, a certain number of reassemblies have been successful, which show both the general appearance of the monument and attest to the quality of its sculpture (Pl. 23 B and 24 A and B). Unfortunately it was not possible to do better, and in particular to gather enough blocks to undertake a reconstruction. Indeed, after the successive reworkings described above, too many stones were retouched, or even split or cut, for this to be possible.
We therefore had to be content with picking out all the identifiable elements. The most beautiful ones, notably the accent pieces and some fragments of statues, were returned to the depot. The site was leveled, drained, and bordered with several rows of chhoeu teal. It remains under surveillance. It should be noted, on this occasion, the complete cooperation of the inhabitants, notably the owners of the land, with whom it was possible to carry out all these operations without any difficulty.
Historical Images
From the survey noted above

Layout illustration via EFEO dated 1973

Site Info
- Site Name: Veang (N.T.) Khmer Name: អ្នកតាវាំង
- Reference ID: HA12736 | Last Update: January 24th, 2025
- Tags/Group: Angkor, BT, NT, pa, rc, Temples
- Location: Siem Reap Province > Krong Siem Reab > Svay Dangkom Commune
- MoCFA ID: 1587
- IK Number: 500.02