Prasat Sralao

Also known as Srâlau (Pr.). Prasat Sralao (ប្រាសាទ​ស្រឡៅ) is a remote temple around 20km north-northwest of Siem Reap and 16km from Angkor Wat.

The site is quite ruinous but quite interesting at least for those with a keen interest in ancient temple architecture. The site features three brick towers built on a common platform with the central tower featuring an antechamber leading to the east. All are in ruin with only the base structures and doorframes still standing, bar the northern outer tower.

Leading further east, there appear to be the remains of two libraries which was preceded by further remains of what was maybe a gopura and outer enclosure around the outer perimeter of the moated. An outer wall cannot be seen, but brick remains can be seen around the outer moat along with an earthen rise. There may have also been a second enclosure inside the moated area also. There is also a causeway crossing the moat from the west although no remains are seen.



Henri Marchal cleared the site in the early 1900s discovering several lintels as he describes, of grand richness and of Banteay Srei style. There is a lintel on display at the Phnom Penh National Museum, one decayed lintel is still on-site (partly buried),  and one is on display at the Tokyo Museum, see pic below.

Detail of Sandstone Lintel - Prasat Sralao, Cambodia - 10th Century - Tokyo National Museum - Tokyo - Japan

Marchal also discovered inscriptions at the site (registered under K. 782) noting having 32 lines in Sanskrit engraved on the south podium and 24 lines in Khmer engraved on the north, dating to 1071 A.D. It emanates from a dignitary at the court of Harsavarman III, Narapatïndravarman of Vrai Kanlon family, who consecrates a linga and the images of Visnu and Shiva in the town of Vrah Damnap, founded by Vîrendravarman during the reign of Jayavarman V, deserted under the reign of Udayâdityavarman II, and restored under Harsavarman III.

The site is reached by bike/foot trail leading from the main road in the north.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via [email protected] - more..

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