Laterite bridge featuring 15 arches and recorded as measuring 92 m long and 9.5 m wide. It is located less than two hundred meters south of the much larger Spean Toap and the two are connected in some way by a linear line of laterite blocks between the two bridges that are seen on the eastern side, perhaps demarking a large staging area between the two.

*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.
Site Info
- Site Name: Spean Memay Khmer Name: ស្ពានមេម៉ាយ
- Reference ID: HA11866 | Last Update: November 8th, 2021
- Tags/Group: Ancient Bridges, Ancient Royal Road, Royal Road Angkor Phimai, Temples
- Location: Oddar Meanchey Province > Chong Kal District > Cheung Tien Commune > Cheung Tien Village
- MoCFA ID: 583
- IK Number: 718