Located just north of the main road and fronted by a large basin to its east, Prasat Si Liem was only briefly mentioned in early French reports of the 1900s but seemingly recent excavations have revealed there’s much more to it. The site is encapsulated by shrubbery making it difficult to navigate.
The first image below is the southern moat looking towards the temple and our entry point after asking the local householder if it was ok to cross his yard and peruse the temple. The site was seemingly large and the excavation, whenever it took place, has revealed the laterite foundation and, in places, partially standing walls. Several sandstone pedestals are also seen.

Historical Notes
The site, mentioned but once by E. Lajonquiere, in Inventaire descriptif Monuments du Cambodge, 1901-
Prasat Si Liem. 300 meters to the W. from the village; brick sanctuary with completely ruined moat basin.
Site Info
- Site Name: Si Liem (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទស៊ីលៀម
- Reference ID: HA11995 | Posted: November 13, 2021 | Last Update: August 22nd, 2024
- Tags/Group: pr, re, T24, Temples
- Location: Oddar Meanchey Province > Banteay Ampil District > Kouk Mon Commune > Si Liem Village
- MoCFA ID: 712
- IK Number: 831