Trapeang Ropeak, also designated as temple Y, is located 40 m to the northwest of temple Z. Here are the remains of an octagonal shrine that is spectacularly taken over by a tree. It’s outer walls are without decoration although decorative bands around the eaves can still be seen.

Historical Notes
Less to the south and more to the west, there is still an isolated octagonal tower, open to the east. The oblique faces are narrower here too. The vault is corbelled and successive drums.
Outside, the composition is simple; it shows pilasters and frames of a somewhat special type. The terminal strip of the cornice had three headed kūdu on each side. The floors, very low, received the same decoration. Nothing remains of the door On the N. and W. panels of the main body, and, in fewer numbers, on the smaller panels, there is a quincunx of square holes with a picketing of the bricks, as if a decoration had been fixed there.
L’Art Khmer Primitif, Henri Parmentier, 1927
Site Info
- Site Name: Sambor Prei Kuk (Y) Khmer Name: សម្បូណ៌ព្រៃគុក
- Reference ID: HA13556 | Last Update: March 1st, 2022
- Other Names: M40
- Tags/Group: rb, Sambor Prei Kuk, T4, Temples
- Location: Kampong Thom Province > Prasat Sambour District > Sambour Commune > Sambour Village
- MoCFA ID: 3510