Reul Temple (O Pram Pheam Village)

Also known as Prasat Chamrek Chau, and located in Srayang Commune of Preah Vihear province, about 6km south of road 64 and 4km southeast of Prasat Pram, it’s the remains of three brick temples that were surrounded by an outer laterite enclosure with a gopura on the east and west. On the north side of the temple, there is a small pagoda with a monk in residence.

Whilst the outer enclosure is partially standing, the three brick temples are mostly collapsed with doorframes the only feature still standing bar the basement which is hopefully preserved under the rubble.


Historical Notes

Chamrek Chau. This monument rises on an undulation of land covered with clearing forests and preceded to the east by a large basin.

It includes I. A group of three shrines; II. enclosure.

  1. Sanctuary. The group of three sanctuaries is aligned north-south. It occupies almost the entire width of the enclosure. These buildings were of brick, square, open to the east; they are now completely ruined. The frames of the three doors with their ornamental features, ringed polygonal columns and decorative lintels. emerge alone from the heap of debris. The decorative lintels are of the modified type III: the idol is removed and the foliage, grand in development, occupies the entire height of the panel. That of the central sanctuary is badly preserved; in those of the south and north sanctuaries, the central motif is formed by a figurine of Indra on the elephant with three foreparts.
  2. Enclosure. The enclosure is rectangular; it measures at 24 m on the east-west axis and 22 m on its north-south. It is formed by a limonite wall with a high coping of 2.3 m, interrupted by a door without ornamentation in the middle of face west and by a monumental door on the middle of the face east. This gopura was in bricks, with a single passage, through a rectangular room, seen and lit by two windows with three bars open on the exterior facade.

The door to the east of this building projected forming a forebody vestibule. The various elements of this door, like those of the interior door, adjusted in a more rational way than usual, have all remained in place despite the complete collapse of the building: however the decorative lintels are ruined and indecipherable.

Inventaire descriptif des monuments du Cambodge, E. Lunet de Lajonquière, 1902, via Aymonier 1900

Notes: In dry weather, the site can be accessed relatively easily via a dirt road that leads from road 64 and past Prasat Pram. You can continue south along this road to visit Sangkae Kbal Krabei Temple and Chrei Khanhien.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via [email protected] - more..

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